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Q: Do straight men have hemorrhoids
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Do gay men have hemorrhoids?

All human beings have vascular structures in their bodies known as hemorrhoids. If you are asking if anal sex causes inflammation of the hemorrhoids, the answer is no, it does not.

Who can be affected by Hemorrhoids?

According to the "National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse or NDDIC" "Hemorrhoids are common in both men and women. About half of the population has hemorrhoids by age 50. Hemorrhoids are also common among pregnant women."

Why aren't hemorrhoids called asteroids?

For the same reason why men suffer from herpes and never from a hysterectomy.

Most Indian men gay?

No. Most Indian men are straight. Most of ALL men are straight.

Are straight men attracted to gay men in their late 40's?

Straight men are too straight to be gay. so dats not gonna happen to a straight guy wad ever his age be.

Do geckos get hemorrhoids?

No. geckos don't get hemorrhoids

How many straight men are there in the world?

Approximately 45% of the world's population are straight men. As of 2017, that's about 3.4 billion men.

Did Ernest Hemingway have hemorrhoids?

Hemingway did in fact suffer from hemorrhoids.

What is another term for hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are also known as piles

How do you know you have hemorrhoids?

Here is a link that offers symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Why do hemorrhoids itch?

Hemorrhoids can irritate you, especially itching.

Do any straight men actually download gay chat to socialise with gays?

no, but it's possible that closeted gay men who pretend to be straight might do this.