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Striped bass can live in both fresh and saltwater!

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Q: Do striped bass live in fresh and salt water?
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Can a fish be both fresh water and salt water?

Some species can live in both. Examples: Striped bass American shad Bull shark Rainbow trout(steelhead) Salmon

Where does a striped bass live?

Normally an ocean species of cool Atlantic waters, the striper can survive in fresh water as well..Often stocked in large freshwater lakes.

What country does a striped bass live in?

The Striped bass also known as the striper lives in North America. It is a salt water fish that lives in the Atlantic ocean.

Where do sea bass live?

in just about all fresh water

List of bass fish?

Freshwater bass include; Sunfish Family- largemouth, smallmouth, cousae, redeye, spotted, and Suwannae bass. Morone family- striped, white bass, white perch, yellow bass. Saltwater basses; black sea bass, jewfish, grouper species, sand bass, striped bass. Note; The striped bass has been introduced into many freshwater lakes, because it can live in fresh or saltwater.

In what type of water can one find a Bass fish?

Bass fish generally tend to live in fresh water, however they can be found in both fresh water as well as salt water. The older bass fish generally occupy the deeper parts of the water, whereas the younger fish live on higher parts of the water.

How deep do striped bass live?

30 feet

What ocean does the striped bass live in?

Atlantic ocean, can normaally be fished on in Virginia

How do you catch a striped Bass off a boat?

Using live bait is the easiest way to catch striped bass from a boat Using sonar, locate a school of fish and anchor the boat over the school. You will be able to see on the graph where the fish are in the water column. Drop your bait down to depth of the fish and hang on. Striped bass are very aggressive and will develop massive feeding frenzies.

What is the difference of freshwater fish and marine fish?

Freshwater fish need regular water without salt, Marine fish need salt water. Marine fish are more colorful and interesting then freshwater fish but they are a lot harder to look after than freshwater fish. Saltwater fish need more water to swim in and are more fragile than freshwater fish.

Do sharks live in saltwater or freshwater?

Because corals are marine animals, just like scallops, lobsters and swordfish. It isn't just a "preference". It is where they are designed to live. They could not survive in fresh water any more than a fresh water bass could survive in the ocean.

Will bass live in a small pond?

I don't know about all of them, but i know that there are some kinds that do live in fresh water Some species are found in either environment.