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no..sucking of breast before pregnancy do not bring milk in the breast,milk is produce after the child birth due to the secretion of some hormone after the child birth and activation of the mammary of gland.

sucking of breast too much before pregnancy brings some white bitter fluid from the nipples,secretion of this fluid may cause pain in the nipple and it is very bitter in taste.

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Q: Do sucking of breasts by men before any pergnancy help to bring milk in breats this might be the reason that some girls have milk in their breasts and some dnt?
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I've always had sore breasts right before my period and I'm only 19, this has being happening since I started mine.

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It's possible your breasts to feel big and heavy, but not all womens breats get that way.

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What does it mean when one of your nipples are hard and the other is not?

It just means that your breats are growing and its okay if one of them is a bit larger than the other its normal. Once you finish puberty your breasts will be fully grown and both of your breasts will be the same size.

What makes girl's breasts get bigger?

Girls' breasts get bigger primarily due to hormonal changes during puberty, specifically an increase in estrogen levels. This leads to the development of breast tissue and the growth of milk ducts and glands. Genetics and overall body fat percentage can also play a role in determining breast size.

When will my breasts get bigger?

They grow bigger as you grow older. They stop growing about eighteen unless you put on weight. Not everybody will have big breats, the female members of your family might give you an indication as to how big yours will get.

Should a man squeeze my breats during sex or not?

It's your choice! Please take some control of your life before you get runover by it.

When does your breasts stop growing?

well, i think that there is no right age for breats to stop growing.. it can become bigger if u put on weight at any age, and family planning pills contribute partly too and pregnancy as well..

What causes sore sensative breasts?

There can be many reasons for sore of the reason can be change in hormone level(this is usually experienced during the start of your monthly periods), the change in harmone level can cause a little discomfort in breasts, taking of birth control pills can also cause sore breats, pregnancy, breast feeding can be some more reasons and ofcourse the very considerate reason could be breast cancer be cautious and visit doctor if u have sore breasts

Is water and sugar related?

no but its made of breats milk

Why pamela Anderson is so popular?

because of her breats

How could a thin girl had a big breast?

After an A-cup (which is muscle), breasts are almost all fat and fatty tissue. However, they are fairly genetic. Despite a person's weight, their fat can be stored many places around the body. For most women, this is in the breats, hips, and thighs, but not for all. It is simply that the breasts is where that particular girl stored most of her body's fat.