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Q: Do sugar gliders kill each other?
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Do sugar gliders and dogs do well with each other?

No. It is the dog's natural instinct to hunt and/or kill a small creature such as a sugar glider. In their natural state, these animals are enemies. It would take an exceptionally well-trained dog to not lunge instinctively at a sugar glider. Remember that dogs are domesticated, with certain traits bred into or out of them - but sugar gliders are wild animals that were never meant to be kept as pets.

Can sugar gliders and hamsters stay in the same cage?

I really suggest you don't( they could fight , or worse kill each other) I don't believe they can mate so if you do put them in the same cage don't expect babies... Species such as sugar gliders, which are marsupials, and hamsters, which are rodents, should never be mixed in the same cage. Their diet, behaviours and needs are vastly different.

Can your bunny live with your sugar gliders in large cage?

No, no, no.. absolutely not. These animals would not co-exist naturally in the wild, and therefore would likely kill each other. Now, lets assume that the animals didn't kill each other, for some reason... The two animals have VERY different needs, and it would be extremely irresponsible to house them in the same cage.

Can iguanas and sugar gliders live together?

As in, in the same cage? No. One would likely kill the other. Can they live in the same house together, but in separate cages? Certainly.

Can ferrets play with dogs and sugar gliders?

The ferrets would likely attack and kill the sugar gliders. Our ferret is the most gentle animal imaginable, has never been taken hunting or anything like that, yet the first time she saw a possum she went straight for its neck.Whereas with dogs, even small dogs, she is just friendly and inquisitive.Ferrets playing with dogs depends on several factors, such as size, the breed of dog, etc.Sugar gliders and ferrets may not be compatible.Refer to related questions below for more information about ferrets with dog breeds and sugar gliders:

Can sugar gliders get along with cats?

It would be taking a huge risk to put them together to find out. Sugar gliders are small marsupials and cats and dogs would probably consider them prey and first kill them then perhaps eat them.Even if the dog or cat did not attack the sugar glider immediately, sugar gliders are fragile animals physically and emotionally. Stress can kill sugar gliders and putting one with natural enemies could well be fatal to it. Avoid putting any of them in unnatural, threatening, or frightening conditions.Cats have evolved over the millennia to be independent hunters and most will kill anything small and defenseless if given opportunity. Some do it for fun, and it matters little what training or upbringing they have had nor how well fed and loved they are when the predator instinct takes over.It is also in a dog's nature to prey upon smaller animals. Some dogs, however, (more so than cats) can be trained and trusted to restrain their prey drive, but others, and especially some from specific breed groups like terriers, can not have the predator instinct trained away.

How do humans affect sugar gliders?

Sugar Gliders eat sap from acacias and eucalypts as well as insects, which means they are classed as omnivores.Yes. They can eat a wide variety of stuff including: fruits, vegetables, protein, and breads and cereals. Their diet should consist of 20% - 30% fruits (some sources say only 5%), 40% vegetables (they tend not to like bananas and citrus fruits can cause diarrhea, canned fruits have too much sugar, frozen vegetables are ok), 25% to 50% protein (such as monkey chow, tofu, cooked turkey or chicken, hardboiled eggs, baby chicks or mice, and insects), and 15% breads and cereals (not too sugary or high in fat). Gliders are high-energy creatures and need lots of carbohydrates which breads and cereals can provide. You can occasionally give them them small pieces of wheat bread, shredded wheat squares (the kind with the raisin in the middle) or other HEALTHY cereals. Try experimenting with new foods, and make sure to rotate favorites to keep gliders from losing interest.

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no babys can not kill each other depends

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NO. They will kill/eat each other !

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no they do not kill each other