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Q: Do the compounds remain the same as before the reaction when a chemical reaction occurs?
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When a chemical reaction occurs the compounds remain the same as before the reaction?

After a chemical reaction the reactants are transformed in products.

How do you get a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction occurs when 2 or more compounds are put together and rearrange atoms to form new compounds.

How can you cause chemical change?

A chemical reaction occurs when two compounds collide in a certain orientation and with a certain amount of force.

What is the chemical reaction occurs when two(2) compounds simply switch their constituents to form new elements?

This is a double displacement reaction.

What is the original substances before a chemical reation occurs are the?

Reactants --> Chemical reaction --> Products

What occurs when elements and compounds interact to produce a new substance with new properties?

This is a chemical reaction; the composition of reactants is changed.

When a chemical reaction occurs atoms are never?

When a chemical reaction occurs atoms get ionized. Atoms are never created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction.

What type of reaction occurs when two or more simple substances combine of form a more complex?

The word for these reactions is synthesis.

What is it called when atoms are rearranged to form a new substance?

A chemical change occurs when atoms are rearranged to form new molecules.

What evidence is the that chemical reaction Occurred on the surface of the Statue of Liberty?

When a chemical reaction occurs, elements and compounds combine in different ways to make new materials. The elements copper and oxygen have reacted to form a new compound, copper oxide.

What is the starting substance in a chemical reaction is?

The substances you have at the beginning of a chemical reaction are called the reactants.

What evidence of a chemical reaction might you see in dropping an alka-seltzer tablet into water?

Chemical, bubbles of gas are fromed, it fizzes. --> Yes that is a chemical change that occurs, but the dissolving of the tablet is considered a physical change, therefore a physical and a chemical change occurs when water and an alka-seltzer tablet combine,