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You've sort of got it backwards: axon terminals initially release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft, from where they diffuse across the cleft and fit into receptor sites on ligand-gated sodium ion pores on the dendrites, causing those pores to open, allowing sodium ions into the dendrite, resulting in a change in the voltage of the dendrites membrane, which initiates the propagation of the signal along the dendrite and soma towards the axon hillock, where it may trigger an action potential in the axon.

However, after the neurotransmitters have done their job at the dendrites, they can be "released" by the dendrites , as in let go of, to be re-absorbed, re-cycled, re-used by the axon terminals.

The axons "give" the neurotransmitters to the dendrites as chemical messengers to convey the signal, and the dendrites "give them back" after the message has been received and conveyed onward.

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They can cause the post-synaptic neuron to fire (that would be the neuron on the other, receiving, side of the synapse).

However, generally there also needs to be either OTHER neurons releasing neurotransmitters to the post-synaptic neuron, so that the SUMMATION of voltages resulting from many signals will be sufficient to trigger the action potential impulse in the axon of the post-synaptic neuron, or, the rate of release of neurotransmitters from the single neuron would have to be high enough that there would similarly be enough of a voltage experienced at the axon hillock within a short period of time to trigger the action potential (fire the neuron).

Those two conditions for firing a neuron are called SPATIAL, or TEMPORAL summation, meaning that many impulses come to the axon hillock either through many inputs in space, or through time.

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Do dendrites release neurotransmitters?

No, dendrites do not release neurotransmitters. Dendrites are responsible for receiving neurotransmitters released by other neurons and transmitting those signals to the cell body of the neuron. It is the axon terminal that releases neurotransmitters into the synapse.

What role do dendrites play in transmission at chemical synapses?

Dendrites receive incoming signals from other neurons. When an action potential reaches the dendrites, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters at the synapse, which then transmit the signal to the receiving neuron across the synaptic cleft. This process allows for communication between neurons in the brain and the rest of the body.

How does an axon release neurostransmitter?

An axon sends signal from dendrites to terminals to release neurotransmitters

Do Dendrites release neurotransmitters into the extracellular space during nerve impulse transmissions?

No, dendrites do not release neurotransmitters during nerve impulse transmissions. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons via neurotransmitters but do not release neurotransmitters themselves. It is the axon terminals that release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft at the synapse to communicate with the next neuron.

What part of the neuron was called the post-synoptic part of the neuron in humans?

The post-synaptic part of a neuron in humans is typically referring to the dendrites and cell body (soma). These structures receive signals from other neurons via neurotransmitters released at synapses.

The part of the neuron that is responsible for receiving information signals from other neurons is called?

Dendrites are the part of a neuron which receives chemical messages (neurotransmitters) through synapses.Mostly the dendrites receive messages from other neurons, but the cell bodies of neurons also receive direct synaptic inputs from other cells.

Is a dendrite bordered by a synapse?

No, a dendrite is not bordered by a synapse. A synapse is a junction between two neurons where communication occurs by the release of neurotransmitters. Dendrites are the branching structures of a neuron that receive signals from other neurons through these synapses.

What are the parts and function of a dendrites?

Dendrites are the branched projections of a neuron that receive signals from other neurons. They contain receptors that detect neurotransmitters released by neighboring neurons. The main function of dendrites is to integrate and transmit these signals to the cell body of the neuron.

What is the function of a neuron's dendries?

In general, but not always, dendrites receive neurochemical information from neurotransmitters released by axons. Dendrites are branched extensions of the neuronal cell body, or soma, that receive information from other neurons. The dendrite is the post-synaptic portion of many synapses within the nervous system that contains synaptic receptors that bind to neurotransmitters and respond by excitation or inhibition of the membrane potential.

What part of the neuron receives most of the incoming signals from other neurons?

The dendrites of the neuron receive most of the incoming signals from other neurons. These dendrites act as the primary site for receiving neurotransmitters released by neighboring neurons.

What areas do the neurotransmitters diffuse through?

Primarily the Brain: from the Axons to the Dendrites.

Chemicals that cross the synaptic space from the axon to the dendrites are called?
