

Do the env2 and env3 have the same charger?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes as long as you have a LG phone you will always have the same charger!!!

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Q: Do the env2 and env3 have the same charger?
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Is the env3 a better phone than the env2 or the env?

the enV3 for sure.. The enV3 is a better version of the env2, because if it wasn't Verizon wouldn't have made it. It offers more, and many people think the external buttons (the ones on the outside) look nicer, and the inside looks better to.

Is the enV2 or enV3 better?

The evV3 is better the camera is a lot better ( has flash now) now has a camcorder overall look is a lot better and there is less glitches i have had the enV2 but switched to the enV3 and love it it is much better overall I beg to differ had the enV3 and all it did was screw up the front broke i got a new one than it kept resetting so they gave me the enV2 and its great and the keys are a lot easier to use believe me the enV3 will be good when they fix the glitches which will be around February probably

How big is the phone ENV3?

Basically the same size as the ENV2 probably around 5 inches long 3 inches wide if I were to hazard a guess.

Buy the EnV3 or keep EnV2?

but the 3 4 suree Well i have tried out all of my friends and they say its exactly like the env2 except the env3 has a bigger outter screeen but its your choice. I dont think its worth it i just think the the 2 freezes alottt!

When did the env2 come out?

The LG enV2 was released on March 31, 2008. The phone was preceded by the enV and succeeded by the enV3. The phone is a clamshell phone with a full QWERTY keyboard. The phone was released through Verizon.

Is the alias 2 better then the env2?

below in the related link is the full compare between them as you see the enV3 is better

Does and env3 charger fit env touch?


Which is better env2 or env touch?

It really depends on what you want in a phone. I have the enV3 and it works really nice. It's slightly smaller than the enV2. The enV2 and enV3 are both nice for people who like using t9 and having smaller phones. The enV Touch is really nice to people who like touch screens. The biggest difference is whether or not you want to find your contacts and menus using buttons or your finger. So take your choice. My personal preference out of the enV2 and enV Touch is the enV Touch.

Which Phone Should You Get The LG ENV2 Or the LG ENV3 I Really won't use internet but a bigger keyboard is always a plus?

You should get the env3 because i have it and it is the best. It has a bigger keyboard. It has a clearer camera and video system. And it has a bigger front screen. You can also go on the Internet. The env3 is more money but it is worth it.

What are the features on enV3?

Well, if you pay a little extra, you can get internet with 3 bar coverage everywhere. You have a full keyboard with a space bar in the middle instead of on the sides. You can download music faster and you can store more music on there than the env or the env2. You can store more pictures and videos. The screen in the front is bigger and you can double lock the front screen so you don't press anything if it's in your pocket or anything. Env2 only stores limited pictures, env3 stored 500 to unlimited amount of pictures.