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It traps energy from sunlight.It produce glucose using that energy.

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Q: Do the function of chloroplasts is to trap energy from the sun?
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What do chloroplasts have inside of them that will help them trap the sun's energy?

Photosynthetic pigments,mainly chlorophyll.They make chloroplasts green.

What function do chloroplasts perform in protists producer?

Capture energy from the sun

What part of a plant collects energy from the sun?

Green part of the plant having chlorophyll traps energy

Organelles in plant cells that function in photosynthesis or storage are called?

Organelles in plant cells that function in photosynthesis or storage are called chloroplasts. Chloroplasts allow plants to capture the energy of the sun. Vacuoles are involved in storage of soluble carbohydrates or proteins.

Why are chloroplasts a lot like solar panels of a solar calculator?

Chloroplasts and solar panels both trap solar power from the Sun and converts it to energy so function the main organism or device. In a calculator, solar power trapped is being converted to electrical energy so that it does not require batteries to operate. In chloroplasts, solar power is being used to make food for the plant.

How does an animal gets energy from the sun?

Animals get energy from the sun by the chloroplasts in the animals cells. The chloroplasts capture energy from the sun and use it to produce energy to the cell and therefore, the animal.

What traps light energy during photosynthesis?

the answer is chloroplasts

What contain chlorophyll?

Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, but chloroplasts are only found in plant cells.

What function do the cholroplast have?

Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll molecules which absorb the sun's energy and convert it to chemical energy which can be used to fuel chemical reactions in the cell.

What is the function of green pigment in chlorophyll?

it will trap light energy from the sun and convert it into a form of energy that the plant can use during photosynthesis

What the work of chloroplast?

Chloroplasts trap or collect the energyfrom the sun. This energy is used make food for the plant. The process of making food for the plant is called photosynthesis.

Do Animals have chloroplasts?

nope, they get there energy from food not from the sun