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I looked into this and couldn't find anything to help answer your question. Are we talking about the murders?

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Q: Do the girls from Sydney's La Petite Aroma have STDs or Aids?
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Can girls read minds?

No they can give you AIDS

When is the United States national AIDS Day?

The National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS day is March 10. It is sad that the United States has to have a day dedicated to Women and Girls with the HIV or AIDS virus.

How telly get aids it never explains?

Screwing girls unprotected I would assume.

How many girls has suck an cock?

it depends if they have aids or if they are very horny and they want richturds like you

What are the questions girls should ask before going in on an engagement?

You might want to ask if he has AIDS or an STI

If a guy has intercourse with more than 8 girls will affected from AIDS?

no but unprotected sex will cause HIV

Can two gay girls get aids?

Yes. Fluid exchange happens in many many ways, and it is very possible to get AIDS while being on top. Just use protection

Why did chris perna get arrested?

because him and Matty Aids hit on young girls together - Eiffel tower anyone?

What is the polity in the African Methodist Episocal church?

Aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When did we get AIDS?

we. no no no. we dont have aids. you have aids.

Can aids virus can affect through the bite of a mouse if the mouse is inffected?

Only if it bites your dick or for girls if it bites anywhere, way inferier sex

Are girls or boys more at risk of getting hepatitis?

I'm not sure but I think males are more likely to get sexually transmitted diseases like aids.