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Yes, the heads on any cassette player does need to be cleaned periodically. You can purchase a cleaning cassette and solution that cleans the entire tape path. The cleaning kits are available at most retailers, and online.

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Q: Do the heads on portable cassette players need periodic cleaning?
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Do portable cassette players skip?

No, portable cassette players do not skip.

Are there any portable cassette players that can hold more than one at a time?

Yes, there are dual portable cassette players.

In which years were portable cassette players most popular?

Portable cassette players, commonly referred to as a walkman, was introduced July 1st, 1979. Portable cassette players were most popular in the 1980's and 1990's.

Do most portable cassette players get radio and record too?

Yes most portable cassette players get radio and also record as well

Are there any portable cassette players with digital displays?

Yes, there are portable cassette players with digital displays. Check online for the biggest selection.

Are there portable cassette players in orange?

Orange, portable cassette players are rare but they do have them. Try this site:

Are any portable cassette players water proof?

Some portable cassette players are waterproof. The fully submersible Swimman works to ten feet and operates on 2 AA batteries.

What cassette players records and plays dolby?

Most cassette players nowadays supports playing dolby and records at the same time. This is one example -> O Coby O - Portable Am/Fm Cassette Player/Recorder or Sony Standard Portable Player/Cassette Recorder.

Do portable cassette players hook into any normal pair of headphones?

Yes, any standard set of headphones should plug into a portable cassette player.

Does anyone still use Portable Cassette Players?

Portable cassette players are often used by businessmen and secretaries in particular. However they're coming to be replaced by Digital voice recorders which don't require tapes.

How have portable audio cd players evolved over the generations?

Portable audio CD players have evolved in many ways. In fact, they evolved from bulky cassette players to walkmans (portable CD players) to what is most common now, Mp3 players that do not require a CD.

Do Sony portable players still come with cassette players?

As a general rule, most portable players produced by Sony will not be able to play cassettes. This applies to current models and it is still possible to buy an out of production model which still has one.