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Yes it does; but it doesn't eliminate it.

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Q: Do the pills giving to reduce the risk of herpes outbreak reduce the risk of speading herpes?
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Washing hands frequently and thoroughly

How do you treat herpes?

There is no cure. Antiviral medications can shorten the outbreaks and reduce their frequency.

How can you reduce typhoid outbreak?

You can control typhoid out break by improved sanitation and good personal hygiene.

What kills chickenpox and cold sores?

There are antiviral medications that reduce the duration of herpes infections like chickenpox, cold sores, and genital herpes. These include valacyclovir and acyclovir.

Can a baby be born with herpes?

If you have herpes 3 months prior to getting pregnant, you body has developed antibodies and it is less likely that you would pass it to the fetus. If you get infected while pregnant you could pass it to the fetus. It is important if you have herpes that you let your doctor know. Herpes is typically transferred to the baby during labor through the birth canal. If you have an outbreak during labor they will do a C-Section.

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Traditional and Natural Herpes Treatments?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly one in six Americans from the age 14 to 49 have genital herpes, or HSV-2. This number represents nearly 16.2 percent of the population and while this may seem like an astronomical number, recent studies have found the percentage of herpes infections has remained stable. The stabilization of herpes infections is attributed to an increase in public health information distribution as well as effective treatment plans. Although there is no cure for herpes, there are numerous treatment options that help reduce the frequency and severity of an outbreak.Antiviral MedicationsThe use of antiviral medications has shown to be an effective medium for controlling the severity of a herpes outbreak. The most commonly prescribed antiviral medications for herpes include: Valtrex, Famvir and Zovirax.These medications are typically used at the first sign of an outbreak to help lessen the severity of the symptoms as well as reducing the longevity of the outbreak. However, your doctor may recommend you take an antiviral medication daily to help reduce the likelihood of having periodic outbreaks. Although it is still possible to transmit herpes to your partner even when you don't have sores, the use of antiviral medications can help minimize the risk of transmitting the virus.Natural RemediesAlthough the scientific community does not formally recognize any natural remedy as being an effective means for treating herpes, proponents of such remedies claim the use of certain herbs can reduce the severity and duration of a herpes outbreak.One of the most popular natural remedy for herpes control is topical application of aloe vera. The two primary constituents of aloe, glycoproteins and polysaccharides, are known to expedite the rejuvenation of skin cells while simultaneously reducing inflammation and enhancing the immune system.According to a study published in the 1997 issue of the "Journal of Dermatological Treatment," researchers found participants with genital herpes who topically applied aloe vera experienced a significantly shorter healing time when compared to the placebo group.Other natural remedies include supplementation of zinc, lysine, Siberian ginseng and Echinacea. Before starting any natural supplementation routine, discuss the herb with your physician. This is especially important if you're taking medications as certain herbs can cause dangerous interactions.

Will giving a dog a bath reduce shedding?

It will help. But what will help the most is if you brush your dog after giving him showers.

How do we reduce the effects of air resistance on a vehicle?

By giving it a streamlined shape.

What are the ways in which friction is reduce on aeroplane?

by giving it better aerodynamics you can reduce friction. but also the faster it goes the more friction it gets.