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No.I recommend alge eater fish.they really work hard. but the alge eater will leave dung.

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Q: Do the snails in my tank of African dwarf frogs clean the tank enough?
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Why are dwarf African frogs called dwarf African frogs?

They are small (dwarf) and are native to Africa.They are technically African dwarf frogs.

Are African dwarf frogs venomous?

no, but they can carry diseases like salmonella, so keep your hands clean

Is a African Dwarf Frog an Invertebrate?

No, it is not. African dwarf frogs are amphibians, which are vertebrates.

Why do African dwarf frogs eat their skin?

African Dwarf frogs eat their skin to get the protein they need

Are betta fish ok to mix with other stores fishes?

no but i did some research and u can have Aquatic Snails,Chinese Evergreen plants, and African Dwarf Frog . hope u find this usefull

What aquarium frog can be kept in a 5 gallon tank with fish?

The African dwarf frog can indeed live with fish in a five gallon aquarium. BUT BEWARE!!! dwarf frogs may eat your fish small enough to fit in it's mouth. so i recommend Platy and live-bearers as companions.

How can you get your mom to say yes to an African dwarf frog?

yes tell her ur responsible enough and it will be a great expierience at the same time.

What temperature do African Dwarf frogs have to be kept at?

A temperature of between 70F and 80F is ideal for African dwarf frogs.

Is an African Dwarf frog a tropical or a subarctic frog?

African Dwarf Frogs spread from tropical, to subtropical areas.

Are African dwarf frogs poisonous?

No. African dwarf frogs are not poisonous.

Why do African dwarf frogs live at the bottom of water?

African Dwarf Frogs live at the bottom so prey cannot get them.

Can salt be on a African dwarf frog?
