

Do the suitors know that the beggar is Odysseus?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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No, Odysseus has them completely fooled, until he reveals himself after killing Antinous.

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Q: Do the suitors know that the beggar is Odysseus?
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How is the beggar treated by the suitors?

The beggar, who is actually Odysseus in disguise, is mistreated by the suitors in "The Odyssey." They mock him, insult him, and even throw objects at him. Despite their rude behavior, Odysseus maintains his disguise to observe their behavior before revealing his true identity.

How does Odysseus test the suitors?

Odysseus tests the suitors when he asks them to give him food (remember that he is disguised as a beggar). Now he can see who is "guilty" or "not guilty."

How did the suitors treat the disguised Odysseus?

Most of the suitors ignored Odysseus. Some of the suitors treated him decently as a beggar, giving him some bread and some soup. Some suitors, like Antinuous, abused Odysseus verbally. Antinous threw a footstool at Odysseus.

How is Odysseus able to enter into his palace unnoticed by the suitors?

Odysseus is disguised as a beggar, and thus no one recognizes him.

Who are the Two people who are cruel to Odysseus the beggar?

The two people who are cruel to Odysseus the beggar are Melanthius, the goatherd, and Antinous, one of the suitors. They both mistreat and abuse Odysseus during his time disguised as a beggar in his own home.

Who disguises Odysseus to fool the suitors?

Athena disguises Odysseus as a beggar to fool everyone on Ithaca, so that Odysseus can lay his plans.

What was two disguises that Odysseus used in the story?

Odysseus used the alias, "nobody" with Polyphemos. Odysseus disguised as a beggar with the suitors. Hope this helped :)

Why did Athena turn Odysseus into a beggar?

So that Odysseus could return home with out being recognized, so he can see what the suitors are doing to his home.

What does Athena tells Odysseus?

Athena tells Odysseus to keep his identity a secret until he is ready to kill the suitors. Athena also helps to disguise Odysseus as a beggar.

In the book The Odyssey how did Odysseus kill the suitors?

Odysseus had asked his son to lock the armory so that the suitors cannot defend themselves. After successfully shooting an arrow through the holes of the twelve axes, Odysseus shoots Antinous in the throat, and the suitors realize who the beggar - Odysseus - is. They try to flee, then attempt to get Odysseus away from the door so that they can escape. While Odysseus continues to shoot the suitors down, his son, Telemachus, gets spears and shields from the armory. After Odysseus runs out of arrows, he and his son use the spears to kill the suitors. They are helped by two servants. Eventually, Athena, goddess of war, makes her presence known in the form of a shield, and the suitors give up hope, and are slaughtered. Odysseus had killed 108 men, including 12 servants who had betrayed Odysseus (the maids had slept with the suitors, and a servant had mocked Odysseus when he was a beggar).

Why does Odysseus disguise himself as a beggar?

Odysseus is disguised as a beggar by the goddess Athena, who is helping him plot his revenge against the suitors who are courting his wife. From the vantage point of a beggar in his own court, Odysseus is able to assess who remains loyal to him, who the suitors are, their habits, and he is able to sow dissent amongst them. The information he gleans allows him to formulate a plan for revenge. Agamemnon's warning also causes Odysseus to be weary in returning home as himself, as he does not know if his wife is true and on his side yet. Odysseus also is able to see if his wife has remained loyal to him after all these years.

The main reason that the suitors and servants don't recognize Odysseus when he first appaers is that?

is bcs he was in discise as a beggar DU!!