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Q: Do the word safety pin have a short I sound?
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Does pin have a short e sound?

No, the word "pin" has a short i sound, not a short e sound. The short i sound in "pin" is similar to the sound in "win" or "sit."

Does pin have a short or long vowel sound?

The word pin has a short I sound. (The long I is seen in the word pine.)

Does pin have a long I sound?

No. It has a short I sound.(The word pine is a long I, silent E.)

Does pin have a long i vowel sound?

No. The I has a short I sound, as in bin and win. (The long I is seen in the word pine.)

Does spin have a short vowel sound?

Yes. The "i" in spin has a short vowel sound, pronounced as /ɪ/, as in the word "sit."

Is pin a short vowel word or a long vowel word?

"Pin" contains a short vowel sound. The vowel "i" is pronounced as a short "ih" sound in this word.

What is a nine letter word for fastener?

safety pin

Is plane a short a sound word?

No, it is not. The way to remember is if the vowel says its name, then it's a long vowel sound. In the world "plane," the A says its name. On the other hand, the word "plan" is a short vowel sound. You can see this with other words too: pine (long vowel-- the "i" says its name), but "pin" is a short vowel sound.

How does the safety work?

The safety pin has a pin that goes into the head of the pin, and you push the point in or out of the head of the pin.

What was the name given to a large safety pin?

a safety pin

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What vowel sound does spinach have?

The word "spinach" contains the vowel sounds /i/ and /ae/, like the "i" in "sit" and the "a" in "cat."