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Not in my experience: Drug tests that is. Heart attacks, oh, I've had 2 of them. I think the first thing is to keep you alive... there isn't a second thing, as far as I know.

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Q: Do they drug test you when they think you are having a heart attack?
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Is Ibuprofen pink?

Yes, well it was in the 1980's (well up to 1989) as my father took them for Arthritis. He died of a heart attack after having at least one mini stroke. Now current information tells us there is a high link between this drug and heart attack. Hope this helps!

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Yes. For every drug you smoke, for every bad thing you put in your body, your lungs die, your heart dies, your fingers look bad your teeth looked jacked up im tellin the truth

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It is not known. Proberly he died from heart attack or drug addict.

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Yes. In my experience with the drug it always sped my heart up gave me palpitations, sever anxiety issues. it generally made me scared to take anything for fear of having a stroke or heart attack. in my opinion its very dangerous and should be consulted with your doctor