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if it is a big hole yes but if it is a small hole they will fill it in

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Q: Do they have to pull out your teeth if you have a hole in your teeth?
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Do Amish pull out their teeth?

As a general rule, no, Amish do not pull out all their teeth.

How long does it hurt if you get 12 teeth pull out?

they probably won't pull out all 12 teeth.

When you pull baby teeth does it make your teeth crocked?


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Why you should not pull your adult teeth?

Because they are the set that are to last you for your adult life. If you pull your adult teeth out, they will not grow back.

Can you pull wisdom teeth with braces on?

No. The braces will hold the teeth in place.

How many teeth do you have that you could pull out and they'll gro back in?

Only your baby teeth will be replaced with other teeth when they are pulled or fall out. A human has 20 baby teeth total. If you pull out human adult teeth they will not come back.

what can i get done with my teeth which i don't have any have all pull so i will need all my teeth I?

what can i get done with my teeth which i don't have any have all pull so i will need all my teeth I am disable and this is fo me and my wife

What does it feel like when the dentest gnum your teeth and pull it out?

At first you will be scared but you won't feel anything especially when you're knocked down. After that you will feel that there is a hole in your gums, and have difficulty in chewing your foods.

Way to pull teeth without pain?

If you what to pull out your teeth and your scared get get your mom or dad any family member to tell u to close your eye and try to pull it out.

What is the name of hole formed in the teeth?

A cavity !

Can you pull dog's TEETH out?
