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Not that I know of... there are plenty of shatter-proof cups and utensils out there, which are great for kids if you want something that looks a little better than plastic... however I've never seen a glass-top kitchen table labeled as completely 'shatterproof.' My advice would be to look for a glass-top table that is relatively heavy with sturdy legs, making it very difficult to tip over and unlikely to shatter.

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Q: Do they make shatter proof glass kitchen tables tops?
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Can sliding glass doors be made shatter-proof?

Yes and no. "Shatter proof" sliding glass doors are available at Home Depot. However, this is really a level of shatter resistance if you read the fine print. There are storm proofing systems that can be added to sliding glass doors to make them shatter resistant for winds up to 175 mph.

Is there a glass top coffe table that is shatter proof?

You can always use tempered glass that's shatter resistant and should be kid-resistant as well.

Who invented shatterproof glass?

Laminated glass or shatter proof glass was invented by Edouard Benedictus. It was invented in 1903 in France, inspired by a lab accident.

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The shatter proof film does increase the glass's resistance to being broken, and when it does get broken, the pieces are stuck together and don't collapse into sharp fragments. It in no way means the glass is unbreakable though, a strong enough force can make a hole. It certainly could not stop a bullet, which would punch right through it.

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Yes, actually you can child proof glass table tops. Websites such as sell padded covers for coffee tables of all materials.

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How do you make a school Earthquake proof?

you can make a school Earthquake proof by- Þ Shatter proof glass Þ Add a safe room where students go when a earthquake strikes (a room with no windows, electronics, and desks or chairs) Add extra layers of sheetrock

Are shower doors tempered glass?

Most door sets are...check the box to ensure it.. A good shatter proof door is worth the extra investment especially if children are present.

Which glass is used in bullet proof screens?

It is usually made from a combination of two or more types of glass, one hard and one soft. The softer layer makes the glass more elastic, so it can flex instead of shatter. Bullet-resistant glass is usually constructed using polycarbonate,thermoplastic, and layers of laminated glass.

Which plate offers the least shatter when falling to the floor?

The best non-breakable dishes on the market are by Correlle. They are virtually shatter proof.

Do airplanes have bullet proof glass?

No airplanes do not have bullet proof glass.

glass shower doors and safety?

Glass shower doors are very safe to use with all ages. A glass shower door is extremely stable. Even if it is run into, the door will still remain strong.