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No, Only up to the age of 12.

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Q: Do they make stuff for 10 year old kids to whiten their teeth?
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Does eating cat food make your teeth whiter?

No, nor does eating dog biscuits whiten your teeth.

Is there a tool or method of cleaning that can be used to whiten teeth besides bleaching that can whiten teeth keep it like that and doesn't negatively affect the health of teeth?

You can rinse with hydrogen peroxide before brushing at night. Make sure you swish it around your mouth for a few seconds.

Does a burnt tortilla make your teeth white?

It was a way to brush your teeth when people didnt have toothpaste .. so yea u can whiten ur teeth with burnt tortilla

What will happen if you brush your teeth?

You may keep them longer. It can also whiten them; and make your breath smell better.

Charcoal as tooth whitening?

Activated charcoal can whiten your teeth. You need to blend it with something to make a paste and apply it to your teeth. This can be water or other liquid.

Can you whiten teeth with milk?

no, it makes it stronger!

Why do people want to whiten their teeth?

People feel that their teeth are strange colors and or embarrassing . Some people don't wear white because their shirt will be brighter then their teeth. Kids see celebs with white white white teeth , and theirs are gray-ish. So the feel worried about their teeth . Luckily , you can whiten them with white strips in only 2 hours. Kids can use tooth pastes , just check the back for instructions for their age.

Does the sun make teeth white?

White the sun will not whiten your teeth on it's own, it may improve the whitening effects of whitening gels due to the UV light within the sun's spectrum.

Can gum whiten teeth?

They have made a new kind of gum lately and it is called freedent it is made to make your teeth whiter. Hope that helps.

Does mixing hydrogen peroxide and baking soda together then putting it on your teeth whiten them?

yes by mixing baking soda with enough hydrigen peroxcide to make toothpaste your teeth will become whiter faster

Can you use polident to whiten teeth?

Yes. But be very careful not to over do it. It can strip the enamel off your teeth, and make them very sensitive. My aunt has been doing it for years.

Does hydrogen peroxide actually whiten teeth and does using it for that purpose affect the health of teeth in any way such as the strength of teeth and health of the mouth?

There is an actual method which involves using hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to make a paste and brushing this onto your teeth.