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Q: Do they offer you a reduced fee if you plead not guilty on a traffic ticket?
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Will a traffic attorney help you fight a speeding ticket?

Yes. There are many trafic attorneys out there that are willing to help you fight and beat your speeding ticket. They also usually offer a free consultation.

Where can you take driving improvement classes for a speeding ticket?

If you are trying to take driving school prior to court in order to keep it off your record you can call the clerk of court and ask if you are eligible for online traffic school. Some states accept online traffic school and some do not and it also depends on the violation. If you have already been found guilty or paid the ticket, you can check with the DMV to see where you can attend traffic school. Many tech schools offer the class. The clerk of the court can usually tell you and is your best resource if they will talk to you. Some are helpful but many are not.

Where in Florida do they offer traffic school?

You can easily visit this website, and instantly get you ticket dismissed. But if you want to personally attend the traffic school you can visit the venue at 3359 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.

Do you have to go to court for a seat belt violation?

No. But you will get a ticket. Like some signs say " Click it or ticket."Added: Going to court is ALWAYS an option for any traffic ticket,although you might be hard-pressed to offer testimony that you did, or did not, were wearing your seat belt.

What ticket agencies offer the best deals to consumers?

The ticket agencies who offer the best deals to consumers can vary depending on where you live. Some examples of the most popular ticket agencies that offer the best deals are: StubHub; The Ticket Lodge; CheapTickets, and Ticket Liquidator.

How in the world can one enter a not guilty plea demand a jury trial for charges of Domestic Violence and Endangering Children both1st degree mis. and then change plea to guilty of criminal mischief U?

A person is permitted to change their plea from not guilty to guilty prior to and even during a criminal trial. Often, a person will plead not guilty and make a jury demand, and after review of the evidence, the prosecuting attorneys will recognize weaknesses in their case (or for other reasons) will offer a reduced charge and sentence if the defendant pleads guilty.

Can a cop issue a traffic ticket based on a phone complaint if they did not witness the offense?

I don't believe so - that is why most municipalities offer citizen complaints through the court system to address issues of this nature.

How can you get your charges reduced?

Rather than go to trial on what you were originally charged with, have your attorney approach the prosecutor and offer to plead guilty to a lesser offense, or offer to give up some information that you know law enforcement or the prosecutor would like to have. This is known as a plea bargain. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

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What is the average cost of a senior ticket?

Most airline direct ticket sales no longer offer senior discounts, however, there are websites that you can order your ticket through that do offer discounts to seniors. Your discount depends on your travel destination.

What online websites offer cheap NHL tickets?

Seat Geek, Got Ticket and Ticket Loot offer an assortment of ticket seats at affordable prices. However, the prices are generally determined by the position of the seats. The closer it is the more costly it will be.

How long do you have to pay a traffic fine in Florida?

You have 30 days. See below: Getting a traffic ticket can happen to the best of us, no matter how safely we try to drive. In the end, one traffic ticket here or there won't make or break your driving record. The trick is to take care of it quickly and in the right manner so it doesn't have lasting negative effects. The State of Florida uses a point violation system, where certain infractions are assigned point values, which accumulate on your driving record over time. Accumulate enough points and you can lose your driving privileges. Traffic tickets can also result in higher insurance premiums, unless you take care of the matter through attending traffic school. When you receive a ticket, your options for resolving the matter are printed on the back of the citation. You need to take action toward one of those options within 30 days of the citation date. If you are ticketed for a moving violation, you may decide to go to traffic school. Attending a basic driver improvement course can result in the following: * Unless the violation was a crash that was your fault, your insurance rates won't increase and your policy can't be cancelled. * No points will be accrued on your driving record, your status as a "safe driver" will still be in effect (if applicable), and your fine could be reduced up to 18%. In Florida, you have the option of attending traffic school once in a 12-month period; additionally, you will have the option only five times in your lifetime.* Notify the court clerk, in the county where you received the ticket, that you intend to go to traffic school. * Pay a fee to the court clerk. * Choose a traffic school from an approved course provider. You can find providers by looking in your local phone book under "driving instruction" or "traffic school." Many companies even offer classes by Internet or on DVD. To take care of a traffic fine, simply send the fee noted on the ticket to the traffic court of the county where you received it. Some traffic court Web sites even let you pay your fine online with a credit card. Check out this site for a central online payment feature for many Florida counties. If you received the ticket in another state, the point violations (if applicable) will still be reflected on your Florida driving record. Pay the ticket or appear in court in the county where you received the ticket, even if it's in another state. You can call Customer Service at (850) 617-2000 for details about your circumstances or to find out about traffic school to resolve an out-of-state ticket.