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You won't be aware of anything while you are asleep so won't feel any pain. they might be sore a little while after you wake up when the medication wears off, and may still be bleeding a bit. It is not as bad as it sounds and you will be fine

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8y ago
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14y ago

It doesn't hurt when they do it, or maybe just a little. They numb around the area when they do it, so you dont have to be put to sleep. I had some of mine pulled, and they numbed the area, and i did not feel a thing! My mouth was just a tad sore after.

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13y ago

No but they give you laughing gas which numbs you so that you can't feel it when they pull your tooth.

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Q: Do they put you asleep when you get a tooth pulled?
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Does everyone have to get a tooth pulled?

No, sometimes the tooth falls out while you are asleep.

What do you do with a tooth you just pulled out?

Put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy!

Does the injection when getting a tooth pulled out for braces hurt?

Nope! You'll feel a little pinch at first when they put the needle in, then your gum around the tooth getting pulled out will be numb so they can pull it out! :)

What is having a tooth pulled simile?

Getting a tooth pulled is like getting a shot.

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the tooth fairy comes out when you are asleep. :]

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There is this man on this building that makes coconut medicines and you need a medicine that will put him to sleep

Simile for getting a tooth pulled?

getting your tooth pulled is like being injected with a needle.

I have to get my tooth pulled out but not my wisdom teeth it's a perminent tooth stuck in my gum would they put me to sleep?

It is not necessary to be asleep even for your wisdom teeth extractions, but if you're asking if they will because you WANT to be asleep then you simply have to ask your dentist. You should be able to find a dentist around you that is offering sleep dentistry, though it really is unnecessary and will be much more costly. It probably would not take more than 5 minutes if it isn't a molar.

Is it safe to have a tooth pulled?

Hope its not dangerous,im 5 mins from having a tooth pulled and i have had a head cold all week

How do you get your tooth pulled out?


What do you do when you got your tooth pulled out and its still bleeding but you want to go to bed?

If the pulled out tooth was intentional, then just keep swilling your mouth out and sucking the gum where the tooth just came from. You should not go to bed with your mouth bleeding seeing as its quite easy that way to drown on your own blood whilst asleep. Lovely isn't it? But if it was not intentional, then push your tooth back where it came from in the gum because then there is a chance that it will stay there and that it will grow back in to the gum