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Q: Do they ride bikes in Japan?
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What bikes do the hairy bikers ride in their Asian adventure?

They had a Honda CVR 1300s in Japan and they had Honda 500s in Thailand.

Can amish ride bikes?

Yes, the Amish people can and do ride bikes all the time.

Are there pettle bikes in Japan?

If by "pettle" you mean pedal bikes, then yes, there are pedal bikes in Japan.

What can you do in the country Japan?

Well if it were me I would act like any other Japan person. I would ride bikes, try to practice my Japan accent and talk to people like that ,and learn from the people there and really truly act like a Japan person!:)

What don't proteins do?

Ride bikes

Why do people ride dirt bikes?

Because it's awesome. I ride mountain bikes competitively; however, dirt bikes add an extra dimension of fun.entertainment. people ride because its fun to do. it can also be for compitition, or even transportation.

Do children ride bikes in parks?

Some do, some don't. Well-behaved children will only ride where the parents tell them to. children who really love their bikes will ride wherever they can.

What percentage of people ride bicycles?

The percentage of people who ride bicycles varies by country and region, but worldwide estimates suggest that around 6-10% of people regularly use bicycles as a mode of transportation or for recreation. This number may be higher in some cities or countries known for promoting cycling infrastructure and culture.

Do girls ride dirt bikes?

Yep girls ride dirt bikes some girls even go pro even tho theres only about 7 pro girl motocrossers so yes girls do ride dirt bikes

There are 24 students in Ms Messing's class six more students walk to school than ride their bikes the number of students that ride their bikes is the same as the number of students that are driven?

6 are driven 6 ride bikes 12 walk