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Many aquarium specific and reptile/aquarium stores sell koi. Ask locally or do a search online to find a store near you.

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Q: Do they sell koi fish in pet stores?
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What fish can pet stores sell?

Pet stores sell many fish; the most popular however are goldfish and beta fish.

What pet stores sell?

pet stores sell animals like ,dogs,cats ,hamster, fish,gerbils,

Do all pet stores sell fish supplies for indoor aquariums?

Not all fish stores sell fish supplies for indoor aquariums. In most cases store recommend you order and them they ship you the fish supplies.

What do Koi fish eat as a pet?

dume things

Where can you buy a hemit crabs?

most pet stores sell them next to either fish or reptiles.

What is a cichlid?

It is a type of freshwater fish species and is a very popular aquarium fish for homes. They are sold at all pet stores that sell fish.

How do you tell how expensive koi is?

Pet stores are willing to divulge their prices.

Where do you get koi fish?

From a petstore like (pet-co) or your Wal-mart

Do fish stores sell flies?

Pet stores, especially specialty reptile stores, would probably sell fruit fly cultures. Almost any pet store sells fly larvae, and they have been marketed for years under the term "bloodworms".

Where can you buy girl betta fish?

You can find some Albino Bettas at pet stores or wherever fish are sold. I found an Albino Betta at Petsmart but they might not always sell them there. You can check back there every month or so to see if they got new shipments.

Do stores sell pet zoom?

Yes, PetSmart does sell pet zoomers

Do they sell blood worms at pet stores?

Yes most pet stores sell bloodworm frozen and freeze dried.