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The word "toe" has a long o sound, as in the word "toe".

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Q: Do toe have long or short o sound?
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Does box have the short a sound?

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Is toe an example of a long vowel sound?

No, "toe" does not have a long vowel sound. In "toe," the "o" makes a short vowel sound like in the word "hot."

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In the word "robot," the vowel "o" makes a short vowel sound.

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Does program have a long or short vowel sound?

The word "program" has a short vowel sound for the letter "o."

Does hoping have a long or short vowel sound?

The O has a long O sound and the I has a short I sound.

Which is the short o sound and the long o sound?

The short O sound (ah as in bah) is in con, dot, and rob. The long O sound says "oh" as in cone, dote, and robe. It can appear in paired letters such as OA, OE, OH, and OW (loan, toe, ohm, low). Also the French eau (beau).

Does note have a short a sound?

No, "note" does not have a short "a" sound. It has a long "o" sound.

Does historical have a long or short vowel sound?

The word "historical" has a short vowel sound for the letter 'i'.

Does comet have a long or short vowel sound?

The O has a short O vowel sound, and the E has a short I sound (kom-it).

Does robot have a long or short vowel?

The first O has a long O sound and the second O has a short O sound.

Does fox have a short o vowel sound or long vowel sound?

The word "fox" has a short vowel sound, as the "o" is pronounced as in "hot" or "top."