

Do tornadoes affect global warming

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Scientists don't think tornadoes affect global warming. There are some studies to suggest the other way round, that global warming and climate change may lead to weather events like tornadoes, more often and more violent.

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Q: Do tornadoes affect global warming
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Could tornadoes cause global warming?

No. While global warming might affect tornado activity, tornadoes themselves are an end product of weather and climatic activity, not a cause.

Does global warming affect how violent a tornado is?

No. While global warming may affect where and when tornadoes are most likely to occur, the tornadoes themselves will probably stay the same strength.That said, tornadoes may become more destructive, as a rise in temperature could shift Tornado Alley eastward into more densely populated regions.A:Yes. One of the predicted effects of global warming is that "weather events" like tornadoes will become "more frequent and more severe".

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Currently scientists are uncertain as to how global warming would affect tornadoes. This is further complicated by a lack of complete, long-term tornado records. So far no substantial link has been discovered.

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How does global warming cause tornadoes?

Global warming does not cause tornadoes. Tornadoes will happen with or without it. The argument that some use is that a warmer climate means that more energy is available for storms and thus more tornadoes. This is grossly oversimplified. A complex set of conditions are needed for tornado activity, especially significant activity. There are many variables. Raising average global temperatures will affect all of these variable in some way or another and will affect them differently in different regions in ways that are hard to predict. In all likelihood, global warming would result in an increase in tornado activity in some regions and a decrease in others.

How will global warming affect us in NZ?

well, global warming is going to affect us all.

Are tornadoes linked to global warming?

Tornadoes will always occur, with or without global warming. So far the only known trend in tornado activity that may be linked to global warming is a northward shift of the areas of highest tornado activity in Tornado Alley.

Does global warming affect the survival rate of polar bears?

Global Warming does affect the survival rate of Polar Bears because Global Warming Melts the ice.

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3 weather danages as a result of global warming

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yes, that's why they call it GLOBAL warming

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your body warmth and global warming will melt you!