

Do tornadoes go uphill

Updated: 9/15/2023
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8y ago

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Yes. Contrary to what many believe, hills do not stop tornadoes.

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Q: Do tornadoes go uphill
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Can a tornado go uphill?

Yes. Tornadoes can go up and down hills largely unhindered.

Does a heavy car go faster downhill that going uphill?

No the can go faster downhill or uphill

Which slopes go uphill?

All of them do. If a certain slope goes downhill in one direction, it will go uphill if you look from the other side.All of them do. If a certain slope goes downhill in one direction, it will go uphill if you look from the other side.All of them do. If a certain slope goes downhill in one direction, it will go uphill if you look from the other side.All of them do. If a certain slope goes downhill in one direction, it will go uphill if you look from the other side.

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Of course!

What do you get when you go uphill and downhill and go across in the middle?

the letter A

Why does a bus going uphill travel more-slowly than going?

It requires extra power to go uphill, against the pull of gravity.

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When you go uphill, gravity helps slow down the car.

Can floods go up hill?

Water obviously doesn't flow uphill, but if there is a lot of water in something like a valley, it will rise up the hill on either side, so in that way it can go uphill.

Does Virginia have Tornadoes?

Yes, everywhere you go, there are probably reports of tornadoes in the past. Tornadoes have spawned everywhere except Antarctica.

What does dreaming of clear river flowing uphill mean?

You need to go pee.