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yes they do.

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2d ago

Yes, tornadoes can occur in many parts of the world, but they are most common in the United States. They have also been reported in other countries such as Canada, Australia, Argentina, and Bangladesh. The frequency and intensity of tornadoes can vary depending on the region and weather conditions.

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Q: Do tornadoes occur all over the world?
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Related questions

Where and how often do tornadoes occur?

Tornadoes happen all around the world and it depend on your location as to how many tornadoes you will have.

Over 80 percent of all tornadoes occur?

Tornadoes usually strike in the afternoon or evening. Over 80 percent of tornadoes occur between 12:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m.

What state is a tornado most likely to occur?

Although tornadoes occur in all states, the state with the most tornadoes is Texas.

What season do tornadoes occur?

Tornadoes can occur in any season but are most common in the spring.

Does India have tornadoes?

Yes, tornadoes can happen all over the world (including India). The most common place to have tornadoes is in the US.

Why is a tornado the common storm over the world?

Tornadoes are actually quite rare in most parts of the world. Tornadoes can occur just about anywhere because the basic ingredients needed to produce tornadoes, instability and wind shear, are not all that rare. It is them coming together in the right way at the same time that is less common.

Can tornadoes form at night?

Yes, tornadoes can form at night. However, they can be more dangerous because they may be harder to see and there may be less warning time for residents to seek shelter.

Do tornadoes hit in Asia?

Yes. Tornadoes occur on all continents except Antarctica. The world's deadliest tornado was one that struck Bangladesh in 1989.

Do tornadoes form all over the world?

yes except Antarctica

Can tornadoes occur outside of tornado alley?

Yes, tornadoes have occurred on all continents except Antarctica and have occurred in virtually all climates except for some regions of polar climate or extreme desert. Countries other than the U.S. with high tornado activity include Canada, Australia, Argentina, Bangladesh, and South Africa.

Does Americas have tornadoes?

Yes. Tornadoes occur on all continents except Antarctica.

Where do meteorites occur?

Meteorites occur all over the world