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Pretty much all of the time Florida does have leaves on there trees ,except for when just a few certain trees or so lose some leaves.

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2d ago

Most trees in Florida are evergreen and keep their leaves year-round. However, some deciduous trees, like cypress and red maple, can be found in certain parts of the state and may shed their leaves in the fall.

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Q: Do trees in Florida have leaves year round?
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What is the difference between deciduous trees and evergreen trees?

Deciduous trees shed their leaves annually in response to seasonal changes, while evergreen trees retain their leaves year-round. Deciduous trees typically have broad, flat leaves, while evergreen trees often have needle-like or scale-like leaves. Deciduous trees are common in temperate regions, while evergreen trees are more prevalent in colder or drier climates.

Which tree's typically shed their leaves annually deciduous or evergreen?

Deciduous trees typically shed their leaves annually, while evergreen trees keep their leaves year-round. Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall as a way to conserve energy and water during winter, while evergreen trees have leaves designed to withstand cold temperatures and continue photosynthesis throughout the year.

What does deciduous and ever green mean?

Deciduous trees such as Oak, Ash and Birch loose their leaves during the winter. Evergreen trees such as Holly, Pines and Firs keep their leaves (or needles) all year round.

What are trees that lose their leaves at the end of the season called?

Deciduous tree loose the leaves each fall. They enter a dormant state in the winter months before coming to live with new buds in the spring.

What is the difference between broadleaf and evergreen trees?

Broadleaf trees have wide flat leaves that are typically shed seasonally, while evergreen trees have narrow or needle-like leaves that are usually retained year-round. Additionally, broadleaf trees reproduce via flowers and fruit, while evergreen trees produce cones for reproduction.

Related questions

Do any leaves stay on trees all year?

No they do not, unless it is one of the few all year round green trees.

What is the type of tree that keeps its leaves in the winter?

Evergreen trees retain their leaves through the winter.

Why do not evergreen forest shed their leaves?

Evergreen trees looks all round the year because sheddind of leaves are not at once. It keeps on renewing leaves.

Do Deciduous trees stay green all year.?

No, deciduous trees drop their leaves in the fall, coniferous trees stay green all year round. yes they do Not all conifers stay green all year round, for example the Larch. Evergreens stay green all year round, some are not conifers.

What type of leaves do conifers have?

Conifers are trees such as Pine and Spruce, with long and needle-like leaves.They keep their green leaves year round.

What time of year does the mango tree flower?

Mango trees are considered evergreen, that is to say they maintain their leaves year round. The individual leaves will eventually die and fall at their own pace, but that is a process that happens year round.

Which plants keep their leaves through winter?

Evergreen trees keep their leaves the year round. Some evergreens are broadleaf trees, and some conifers. And likewise with deciduous trees. Teak trees lose their leaves in the dry season. So you see it is quite variable.

What do you call trees that lose their leaves during winter?

im not sure the name but i know its not evergreen trees (because they last all year round).

What are facts about coniferous trees?

the conferious trees are like cone shaped and keep their leaves all year round and that's about all i know sorry :( .

Does the evergreen lose its leaves in winter?

No. Evergreens are what we call christmas trees. The name "evergreen" was given to these trees because they are always green year round

Do dawn redwoods lose their leaves?

All trees lose their leaves eventually. Deciduous trees drop them all at once once a year.Evergreens carry leaves allt he year round and drop them through-out the year as they age. The Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) is a conifer that is deciduous.

What does deciduous and ever green mean?

Deciduous trees such as Oak, Ash and Birch loose their leaves during the winter. Evergreen trees such as Holly, Pines and Firs keep their leaves (or needles) all year round.