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If you mean identical twins, they can be in one sac (1) or each in their own sac (2). As for fraternal twins, they each have their own sacs (2).

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Q: Do twins have one amniotic sack or two?
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Do twins have one amniotic sack or two for humans?

Fraternal twins always have two. About 1% of identical twins share an amniotic sack. 99% will each have their own sack.

How Do Fraternal Twins Occur and Identical Twins Occur?

Fraternal twins (dizygotic twins) are simply two fertilized eggs that are implanted in the uterus at the same time. Identical twins (monozygotic twins) is one fertilized egg that separates into two embryos. In most cases, identical twins share one placenta, but have separate amniotic sacs. In some cases, they have two placentas. In rare cases, they share both the placenta and the amniotic sac.

What is the genetic difference between identical and non identical twins?

Identical twins are formed by the separation of the same embryo containing same genetic coding. thus the the twins are identical as formed from the same embryo. But this is not the case in the non-identical twins as they are formed from the individual embro each having different genetic coding.

What is an amniotic sack blister?

Every pregnancy has two sacs, sometimes a blister forms between them and you may bleed during pregnancy. Should go away on it own.

How do doctors to recognize identical or fraternal twins during pregnancy?

Identical twins are born when a single fertilized egg splits and develops into two fetuses. Fraternal twins are born when two separate eggs are released and fertilized. Identical twins take a long time to separate within the womb, and sometimes they don't separate entirely (conjoined twins). If doctors observe the two fetuses are connected at any point, that means identical twins. You can also do a DNA test on the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetuses. If there are two sets of DNA present, it means fraternal twins. If there is only one unique set of DNA, it means identical twins.

What is the diffence between identical twins and fraternal twins?

Identical twins come from one egg and one sperm. Fraternal twins come from two eggs and two sperm.

Do you have twins?

Yes, I have two sets of twins, and one set of triplets.

Twins formed by the fertilization of two ova by two sperm are?

They would be fraternal twins. Identical twins are created when one sperm fertilized one egg, and hat egg then splits in two. Identical twins are always the same gender, while fraternal twins can be either gender, or a mix of the two.

Why there is a fraternal and the identical twins?

If two eggs are fertilsed you get fraternal twins whereas if one egg is fertilised and that develops into two individuals, you get identical twins.

Why are the twins identical?

Twins are not necessarily identical. They can be fraternal as well. Identical twins result when one fertilized egg splits in two. Fraternal twins result from two fertilized eggs.

What kinds of mammals lay amniotic eggs?

Monotremes lay amniotic eggs. Monotremes include just the platypus, the short-beaked echidna and the long-beaked echidna.There are two mammals that lay amniotic eggs. The two mammals that lay amniotic eggs are echidna and platypus.

How are identical twins created or formed?

There are two way twins are formed. Twins can form by two eggs being released by the female and the sperm will fertilize both eggs. The other way twins can be formed is if one fertilized egg divides and forms two eggs.