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Q: Do vampire plecos go with tetras and other tropical fish?
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What fish are compatible wth neon tetras?

Small, non aggressive, tropical freshwater fish. Examples would be other tetras, mollies, platys, swords, small gouramis, rainbowfish, some less aggressive barbs, dwarf cichlids, loaches, plecos, Cory catfish.

What fish can you keep with discus?

rams, cardinal and rummynose tetras, corydoras, and BN plecos those are the best, there are a few other, but take caution

What live bearers go bets with tropical fish?

Most livebearers are tropical fish. They can mix easily with most other community type species including Tetras, Danios, Barbs, Anabantids, Corydoras, Dwarf Cichlids etc.

Is a neon tetra a schooling fish?

Yes, tetras van live in schools normally with 3 to 5 other tetras

Do tropical fish need hard or soft water to survive?

Some tropical fish come from hardwater areas (African Rift Lakes Cichlids for example), whereas other fish come from soft water areas (Amazon River Basin fish - most tetras, angelfish, a lot of other fish). Many others come from intermediately hard water areas, for example barbs and rainbows. The best solution in a community tank is to go for moderate hardness, as it will best accomodate most species.

Where can you find vampire bats?

The common vampire, Desmodus rotundus, is widespread in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the Americas. It occupies rainforests as well as deserts, making its home in hollows, caves, trees, and even buildings. Usually, they live in colonies of about one-hundred bats but can reach up to two-thousand.

What are bettas compatible with?

tetras, and other non-aggresive fish

Is there enough algae in my 5 gal tank to feed two plecos... i also have six glo fish in there.?

You shouldn't expect the plecos to survive just on algae. Get some bottom feeder pellets for them. They need food. Also, that tank is much too small for two plecos, let alone six other fish.

What organisms are algae eaters?

Just to name a few: Plecostomus. Ask in the pet store if they have plecos. If you have goldfish, Don't get a pleco, as plecos are nocturnal and goldfish are not, whe the goldfish are in their state of rest, a pleco finds the vital protective slime coat of a goldfish quite tasty. they have also been known to suck the eyes out of some fish. they really do prefer a heated tank. Plecos can grow really big, so make sure you have a very large tank. other algae eaters for your aquarium include: Mystery/Apple snails (these breed like rabbits, so get one, or if you have a pet store near you that are willing to take the young snails off you hands, get multiple snails) Cory catfish (these would only survive in tropical tanks, as they are tropical fish).

What tropical fish can live with betas?

Most tetras get along very well with tropical community fish such as guppies, platies, and mollies. Depending on the size of the tetra, you may also be able to put some of the more docile semi-agressives in there as well. To be safe, avoid putting anything in your tank that can fit your tetras in it's mouth.

What are some pretty tropical fish?

You could get a betta fish but if you get one it would have to be in a different tank than any other fish (as many people know the betta would eat ANY other fish). You could get African Chichlids they are really pretty and social, neon tetras,glo fish.

You have 2 plecos and a catfish Can they live with 3 large goldfish that are about the same size of the plecos and catfish in a 50 gallon tank?

No. Goldfish are cold-water fish, plecos (which are catfish) and your other catfish are warm-water fish. You run a heater in a pleco/catfish tank, but no heater in a goldfish tank. Plecos are also territorial toward conspecifics, meaning two plecos in one tank will fight and possiibly kill each other. The other problem? A 50-gallon tank is only large enough for one pleco, even if they weren't territorial. I would return one pleco, either the catfish--what is it, a bagrid?--or the other pleco, and the goldfish. If you want to build a community around one of these big cats, try some medium-sized tough cichlids like Jack Dempseys or firemouths. I kept three Dempseys and a pleco in a 55-gallon aquarium for years, and they were great together.1st: Plecos are catfish.2nd: Goldfish can't live with any other fish besides other goldfish. 3rd: What kind of Catfish is it? 4th: 1 pleco per tank only!