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Not exactly.

Veins move blood back to the heart (from the body or from the lungs)

Arteries move blood away from the heart (to the body or the lungs)

The heart is a large muscular organ that "pumps" the blood through a series of chambers (atria and ventricles) by contracting the different chambers at specific intervals (your heart beat) to change the volume.

The blood moves from a high pressure (contracted) chamber to a lower pressure artery.

The path of blood through the heart is this: Into the right atrium via veins from your body, to the right ventricle where it is moved to the lungs to be oxygenated, then back to the left atrium and ventricle where it is pumped to the rest of your body.

I hope this all makes sense.

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Q: Do veins move blood through the heart?
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What do veins move blood away from?

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What provides the pressure to move blood through the veins and back to the heart?

skeletal muscle contraction that squeezes the blood in the veins.

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The heart pumps it. When your heart beats it squeezes blood in the heart into the arteries and from the arteries to the veins and from the veins back into the heart.

What move blood to the heart?

Veins and Arteries move the blood throughout your body which are part of the Respiratory System with the help of the heart pumping the blood.

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veins move blood to the heart

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larger blood vessels called veins which carry the blood back to the heart

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I think the answer is blood vessels. I hope I was right. :)

Where does Artery take blood?

veins move blood to the heart; arteries move blood away from the heart. Blood goes from the heart to the lungs to get oxygen, then back to the heart, then to the body (to deliver the oxygen), then back to the heart, where it starts the process over again.

How do the valves within the veins of the arms and legs help blood return to the heart?

Muscular contraction in the extremities moves the blood through the veins, the valves only allow blood to move toward the heart.

How does blood move in veins?

Veins!!!!! When the muscles outside the veins move, they squeeze the veins. This pushes the BLOOD towards the heart because one-way valves prevent blood from flowing

What organ pumps through the body?

the heart pumps through the through the body

How does blood get from the arterie to the vein?

Arteries are connected to veins through capillary beds in the body tissues.