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No, we don't see the same patterns. Our solar system and the stars are all moving away from each other, so ancient people saw the twisted versions of consellations today. For example, the Big Dipper will become elongated in a few thousand years.

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Q: Do we see stars in the same patterns as ancient people?
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Why do patterns of stars in the sky stay the same although they appear to move across the sky nightly?

The patterns appear the same because the stars are so far away that their movement is not apparent to our eyes. They move across the sky because the earth is rotating and that makes it look like the stars are moving. Just like the sun does not move across the sky, the earth rotates and the sun appears to move, the same is with the stars.

Can you see northern hemisphere stars from southern hemisphere?

Yes. The stars are the same in both hemispheres. Remember that people used to sail around the world just by looking at the stars. That is because the stars are the same.

Is every star in a constellation the same distance from Earth?

No. Constellations are just patterns in the sky that we identify. The stars in them have no real connection to each other and are at varying distances from us.

How did the ancient astonomers know the planets were different from the stars?

Ancient astronomers can tell the difference the same way you can tell now - the planets move, while the stars stay in the same patterns. The word "planet" comes from the Greek word for "wanderer". The 'planets' were the lights in the sky that moved. Originally the Greeks included the Sun and Moon as planets, because they were light's that moved through the sky. Also, the closer and bigger planets, Jupiter, Mars & Venus are also MUCH brighter than stars. The smaller planets and the ones that are far, far away (Mercury & Saturn) are also bright - but not much brighter than the brightest stars in the sky. They also all travel in the same narrow path in the sky - the ecliptic. It's the same path the sun & moon follow in the sky through the months & year. These 7 lights were visible in the sky without telescopes - Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus & Saturn - which is how we got our 7 days of the week.

Do people from other cultures on Earth see the same stars constellations and asterisms that you see?

yes the see the same thing

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Im looking for the same answer science h/w :/

Why do patterns of stars in the sky stay the same although they appear to move across the sky nightly?

The patterns appear the same because the stars are so far away that their movement is not apparent to our eyes. They move across the sky because the earth is rotating and that makes it look like the stars are moving. Just like the sun does not move across the sky, the earth rotates and the sun appears to move, the same is with the stars.

How is the Milky Way the same as a constellation?

The Milky Way is a galaxy made up of billions of stars of which our solar system is a part. A constellation is a grouping of stars in apparent proximity that form identifiable patterns. Both are made up of stars.

Can you see northern hemisphere stars from southern hemisphere?

Yes. The stars are the same in both hemispheres. Remember that people used to sail around the world just by looking at the stars. That is because the stars are the same.

What do modern astronomy and ancient astronomy have in common?

Many of the constellations are pretty much the same today as they were in ancient Greece. Pegasus, Hercules, and Orion are examples, as are the signs of the Zodiac. The planets have ancient Roman names. Very few of the stars have ancient European names, as astronomy of ancient times was kept alive by Arabs, who used their own names for the stars.

How did constellations form in the sky?

Constellations are a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure. Modern astronomers divide the sky into eighty-eight constellations with defined boundaries.(Definition given by Google)

How are stars constellation related to each other in space?

Stars in constellation can look as if they are close together, even though they are at very far distances from earth. So the stars in constellation are not, in fact, all close together. constellations are just patterns formed by stars that happen to be in the same direction of the sky.

What is true of the seasonal weather patterns of places that are at the same latitude?

They have the same wind patterns

Is every star in a constellation the same distance from Earth?

No. Constellations are just patterns in the sky that we identify. The stars in them have no real connection to each other and are at varying distances from us.

When people look at constellations in the night sky they do not all see the same thing Could someone give me a philosophical answer on this?

Two people that are looking at the stars in the sky may interpret that patterns and shapes created in two different ways based on the schema of each person. It is in this way that two people may witness the same event yet have two completely different interpretations of the event.

What rece were the ancient Egyptians?

The Ancient Egyptians were the same skin colour as tropical africans of today and have the features that people accociate with black people

What must exist in orfer for a sociologist to say that a particular group of people constitutes a race?

the people all have the same genetic patterns