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Q: Do we still use Galileo things?
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Is galileo's telescope still in use now in days?

Yes it is still in use nowadays by many people... I'm pretty sure.

What 4 things did Galileo first see when he looked in a telescope?

Galileo looked at the planet Jupiter and observed its 4 largest moons (which are still known as the Galilean moons, to this day).

Who benefited from Galileo Galilei's work?

we benefit from him because of his military compass, telescope we still use today

Was Galileo important?

Yes Galileo was very important, because if he wasn't born than we might not even now about the stars, the planets, the moon, or even about the universe. And why is that? That is because Galileo was the one whom discovered it. Galileo was also the one whom "invented" science, math, and other great things we now do in school today. Galileo was the one whom invented the telescope, the thermometer, and other great and useful things that we use in our every day lives.

How many things did Galileo diosver?

Galileo is famous for finding out that earth revoles around the sun.

What year did Galileo discover things?

1610 why

Was Galileo sucsessful?

Yes, in many things

Which was not discovered by Galileo?

Uranus was not discovered by Galileo Galilei. Some of the things that Galileo did discover was that there were four moons around Jupiter and that everything falls at the same speed.

Who was the first astronomer to use a telescope for viewing the universe?

Galileo I am not so sure he was the first, but he is the most famous.

What 3 things is Galileo notable for in his lifetime?


Is there anything named after Galileo?

There are a few different things named for Galileo Galilee. These include the Galileo satellite, the unmanned NASA spacecraft, and the Galileo Regio, a part of Jupiter's moon Ganymeade.

How did living during the Renaissance affect Galileo Galilei?

It was hard life time to accomplish great things but Galileo was able to