

Do whales have whale school

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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No i dont really think so that would be dumb, a group of whales is called a "pod".

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Q: Do whales have whale school
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What is a community of whales called?

a group of whales is called a school or a pod EG a school of killer whale or a Killer whale pod

What do you call a group of whale musicians?

A group of whales is a pod or school.

What are 6 different types of whales?

A list of whales would included the sperm whale, blue whale, killer whale, and the humpback whale. Other species include the beluga whale, pilot whale, bowhead whale, and the baleen whale.

Is a fin whale the only whale that mates with other whales?

No. Blue whales have mated with fin whales.

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The possessive form of the plural noun whales is whales'.Example: The tourists were thrilled by the whales' antics, as if they were putting on a performance.

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I group of whales is called a pod. Although they are not technically whales, cetaceans such as dolphins, orcas and porpoises also travel in pods.

Species of whales?

There are a total of 78 species of whales living in the world today. There are 67 species of toothed whales and 11 species of baleen whales.

What kinds of whale are there?

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The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), is a whale.

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The first three are for Australia and the others are common. Southern Right Whales Humpback Whales Orcas ( Killer whales ) Blue Whale Beluga Whale Fin Whale

Are toothed whales or baleen whales bigger?

Baleen whales are technically larger than tooth whales because the blue whale is the largest animal on the planet, but the sperm whale, which is a tooth whale, is pretty large.The baleen whales are normally larger, except for the sperm whale, which can be as long as many baleen whales.

Are Baleen whales and Blue whales the same?

Definition for Baleen Whale: Any whale that has baleen or is a odontocetes whale.So, they are not technically same thing, but a blue whale is a type of baleen or odontocetes whale. This is because other whales have baleen, such as the Right Whale.