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Q: Do women like autistic men
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No, not all men are autistic more then woman. very rare...

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yes! because men like women for there looks. and women like men for there acts.

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Autistic women can absolutely get pregnant. The fact that a person is on the Autism spectrum does not interfere with their ability to carry and raise children. Furthermore, being pregnant does not affect autism, nor does autism affect pregnancy as far as is known.

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Romanian women like all men with money.

Do gay people love men?

For men , Yes they like men For women , They would like women

Do autistic males relate to males more than women?

That can be totally subjective. I (I'm an autistic male)personally relate to men much more but women can be so much more understanding and willing to listen that I have more female friends. If you are autistic and relate to one sex more than the other that is entirely normal, but there is no certainty that if you are male you will relate to males more.

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Mexican women like black men the most

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Normal men and women !!Haha

Why do men like Body building women?

everyone has different things they are attracted to and some men like women to look like men.

Do women like men without body hair?

Some women like such men. Also some women like hairy men. So it depends.

Do woman like fat men?

Men have individual tastes in women just like women have when it comes to men, so yes absolutely are there men loving fat women..