

Do women like guys with facial hair?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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It all depend's in women's taste, but i would go for what you like the best.

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Q: Do women like guys with facial hair?
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Do women like facial hair?

yes , at least most of them do

Is facial hair attractive to females?

that totally depends on the female. personally, i like clean-shaven faces OR faces with light stubble throughout, but nothing too structured (goatees scare me!), since i like a natural look. however, other women's opinions differ from mine. i think you'll get a different answer from different women... it's definitely not a solid yes/no answer.

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Depends on the guy, the hair, and how it looks up and down. Usually, guys don't really care.

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yes it does!

What should you do to increase the density of your facial hair if you have facial hair but not much to be grown into a beard and you don't have hair in the region which consists of a goatee?

It's your gene pool so there isn't much you can do about it. My husband can't grow a full beard (only a mustache) and I like it like that! Not all women like the grunge look or facial hair on a man. Don't worry so much about it.

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That totally depends on the guy. Some like short hair, some like long hair. Some like blondes, some like brunettes.

Do women like short hair on guys or long?

I myself believe what ever your comfortable in. However prefer short.

30 years old have no facial hair Is there a way to grow facial hair?

Hmmm...interesting question. In my opinion, I don't think you CAN grow facial hair if your body doesn't already. But why would you?? If it's for attracting the opposite sex, then not ALL women like facial hair....but with the way technology and science is advancing in this day-and-age, maybe. I would suggest you ask your doctor. You got problems.if u are thirty and no facial hair ever grown go to the could have a procedure where they insert facial hair into your pours and it will grow continuoesly but it cost alot of money.

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Depends from your family. But some guys like that

Why do lesbians wear their hair short?

That's the same thing as asking why some kids dye their hair blonde. They like it like that. Not all gay women like their hair short; just like some guys like their hair long.