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They certainly do. It's called a second front of pleasure.

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4y ago

They enjoy the anus and the vage rubbernecked and lubed when they have been in my hot tub with my grandma and grandpa swinging by a grapefruit.

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Q: Do women like to have the anus licked and the vagina rubbed at the same time?
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Have you licked an anus?

no, have you

Do other lesbians like their anus licked?

Yes, a lot of girls like to get their anus licked.

How many holes does a women?

Women have 3, their mouth, vagina,& anus

Is there any internal connection between anus and vagina?

No, the anus and vagina are not connected at all.

What is the area behind the testicles between anus called?

The perineum is the tissue between the testicles and the anus in men, and between the vagina and the anus in women.

When a cow gives birth is it through its anus?

No. Cows give birth through the VAGINA, not the anus. ALL mammals give birth through the vagina or birth canal, NEVER THE ANUS.

Is there any risk for anus vagina contact?

It is safe to go from the vagina to the anus during sex. But if you go from the anus BACK to the vagina, bacteria from the anus can cause urinary tract infection or bladder infection. Use a condom. Make sure you use a new condom when going from anus to vagina during sex. If you are trying to conceive, make sure the male cleanses his penis with mild soap and warm water before making the switch back to vaginal sex.

Is it gay if you like to have your anus licked?


Three holes in women with pictures? don't show pictures but you can always look at wiki. Women have 8 body cavities; ears, nose, tearducks, vagina, anus and urethra.

How does a female get her anus?

Females have a hole in front of the anus called the vagina. Now, it is possible for anyone to have folds in the skin behind the anus that appear to be an additional opening. Such a false opening serves no purpose, though it can become infected or need surgery to close it.

Which hole does a baby come out of?

If by which hole, you mean either the vagina or the anus, it would definitely be the vagina.

Do women have hormones in the anus?

No, they dont have hormones in the anus. The anus is a blend of fatty and soft muscle tissues. However, the structure and beauty of the anus is dependent on women's hormones.