

Do worms live with each other?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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No, worms are usually independent, solitary creatures that do not live with each other.

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Q: Do worms live with each other?
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There are worms that are parcites and live of from other animals like tapeworm and ring worm and there are worms that live in soil like earthworms.

How long do segmented worms live?

Earthworms live for 8 months-20 years, other segmented worms can live longer.

Do worms like living together?

Worms like to live together if the soil condition is right. Most worms cannot tell what or who they are living with. If you thought they didn't like each other than your and idiot. Of course they can't, there blind stupid.:)

How are baby worms born?

Some worms do but if a little child is digging in the dirt and see's a worm the will try to kill it by steping on it. And the will lose contact for every. And never see each other every again.

Worms - their life?

they live in the yard and eat some other bugs

Can red ear silder turtles and yellow bellied turtles live together?

Yes, they can. A local science museum has about three of each in a tank. They eat the same things (worms and others), and other than fighting over the worms, they basically ignore each other. Also my turtles don't bother each other they just sometimes look at each other and chase each other around, but my RES is bigger then my yellow bellied so she does this thing with her nails to tell him that shes the boss!! ;) Bugzly12- hope this helps!

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They eat live feeder fish, some crickets, and many other live food.

Discuss the reproduction of worms?

sit next 2 each other

Which animals live underground?

Moles and mole rats Also insects, worms and many vey small creatures. There are other animals that sleep underground but live above ground.

Do glow worms live in soil?

No glow worms do not live in soil they live in caves[the roof of caves]

Which zone do tube worms live in?

the tube worms live in the abyssopelagic zone which is in the ocean.

What are the three major phyla of worms?

Flatworms are divided into two groups, parasitic and nonparasitic. The parasitic types, which live off of other organisms, consist of Cestoda, Trematoda, and Monogenea flatworms.