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Well, no, once yellow jackets die they don't really go anywhere. I guess if they died in their nest then they would stay there (or more likely booted out the door by other wasps that didn't want a corpse hanging around)what time of year do they hibernate?

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Q: Do yellow jackets die and then return to the same nest?
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Do yellow jackets die in winter and in spring do they return to same nest to start a new colony? This should answer your question. Good luck.

What is a group of yellow jackets called?

A hive or swarm is what a group of honeybees generally will be called.Specifically, the term depends upon the location of the honeybees (Apis spp). Inside their shelter, a group is designated by the same term as the residence: hive. Outside their shelter, a group will be described as a swarm.

What does a baby yellow jacket look like?

A baby yellow jacket has the same markings as its mature counterpart. Yellow jackets can be identified by their black bodies and yellow thorax.

Will a flycatcher return to its same nest year after year if the nest has not been disturbed?

It depends on species but territories are generally held by males and they return to the same territory each year, if they can fight-off competitors. The same hen turning-up is far from guaranteed, but re-use of a successful nest-site is quite possible. Disturbance of the old nest is not relevant.

Do bald eagles nest in the same nest every nest?

Bald eagles will return to the old nest, add new material, year after year, until the nest falls from its own weight. They then will construct a new one.

Can yellow jackets build in the wall of a house and how do you kill them?

I'm from British Columbia, Canada and we have the odd year where we are over-run with yellow jackets. Yellow jackets hatch out in grassy areas so go to your local nursery and ask them what environmentally safe product you can put on your grass to safetly get rid of them. It's doubtful they do build in a wall of a house (they are hatched in the grass) but anything is possible. They are actually delicate in nature and like a daddy long legs. They are harmless, but nonetheless bothersome. Yellow jackets are ground dwelling stinging hornets that look like bees and are quick o attach whatever bothers them. They are far from harmless and can kill large animals if provoked. IF they are yellow jackets - I suggest getting expert advice ASAP. I have had yellow jackets do this exact thing, build in the wall of my house. Since they do not fly at night, you need to seal up the entrance they are using to get in and out. I used caulk for this purpose. They will starve to death rather quickly once they are sealed in. Are you sure you have yellowjackets. I had a similar problem, but they ended up being paper wasps. Yellowjackets are close in appearance to bees. Paper Wasps like walls, eaves of your home, etc. Easily identified by the honeycombed paper nest. Wasp sprays through holes and seal the entrance will get rid of them. Do a search for paper wasps for more info. Answer I have the same problem and they do appear to be Yellow Jackets. They are NOT paper wasps but they are in the wall behind my front porch light.

Why do birds totally abandon their nests and never return?

Actually, some birds come back to the same nest year after year. Some choose to leave and not come back so their predators cannot find the nest.

Are the buttons on girl jackets the same as boys?

The buttons are the same sort of buttons, yes, but they button on the opposite side. Most men's jackets have the button on the right as you face the man; women's jackets have the buttons on the left.

What are the Columbus Blue Jackets colors?

The color of the blue jackets are the same as the Union: Blue, Red, White

What does it mean if a bird builds a nest next to your home?

It means nothing other than the bird found a nice place for a nest. Some birds return to the same nest/area year after year. It could mean that your house is in a paticaly safe area like high up not many preditors

How long do yellow jacket colonies live in the same nest?

It is because they live together in many different ways and have some same personalities, they are meant to be together in colonies for different categories, and are both sometimes the same in many ways.

How is a yellow-jacket different from a honey bee?

Almost everyone misidentifies Yellow Jackets as "bees", and yet the two belong to different families. It is an unfortunate misnomer that has been place on the bee, as most of the encounters resulting in a sting are not the responsibility of a bee, but are due to the Yellow Jacket.Yellow Jackets are in actual fact members of the wasp family and are more commonly referred to as "wasps" in most English speaking countries. There are many differences between Yellow Jackets and bees. Here are just a few of them:Colouring - Honey bees tend to be a tan or brownish yellow colour and their bodies are covered in a dense coat of hairs. Yellow Jackets are different. They are brighter in colour and are generally bright yellow and shiny black, or all black with white faces. They are not coated in hairs and have a relatively smooth appearance to their bodies.Diet - Honey bees collect and feed on plant pollen, and as such are not as aggressive and dangerous as a predator or scavenger would be. However, Yellow Jackets are both predators and scavengers, eating both animal and plant matter, such as, meat, plant sap, or fruit juices.Nesting - The colony of a bee can last more than a year, some times several years, so mature nests can be encountered at any time of year. Yellow Jackets tend to die of each year, with only a hibernating queen surviving into the next year. This means they have to start a new colony every spring. For this reason nest are usually only encountered in the late summer to early autumn, at a time when nests are at their maximum size.Sting - Although both honey bees and yellow jackets sting, their physiology and behaviour differs. The bees stinger is barbed and remains embedded in the wound, when the bee flies away the anchored sting pulls out some the insects internal organs including the poison gland. This means that when a honey bee stings, it will die shortly after. They will only sting as a last resort and will rather flee than fight. The Yellow Jacket is a different story altogether. Their stinger is smooth and barbless and is with drawn from the wound after the venom is delivered. This means that the singer is not left behind and the Yellow Jacket will not die, leaving it free to sting multiple times.Aggression - Honey bees are generally gentle, almost never display a high level of aggression and do not swarm in defense of the colony. Yellow Jackets are generally move dangerous, as they tend to swam to defend their colony. Even the slightest knock can trigger this behaviour and they are often annoyed at the vibrations of lawn mowers, foot steps and other movements near there nests.Nesting sites - Honey bees always nest above ground, choosing to place their colonies at the top of high branches, or other such lactation, away from ground predators. Yellow Jackets are not so picky about where they set up home and nest both above and under ground level. This makes it harder to avoid nesting sites, as they can be found nearly everywhere.