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Blood typing in pregnant woman?

cox she will get more strength

Can you give blood if you are pregnant?

No. Check out the related links for more information.

Does pregnant woman produces white blood?

Pregnant women do not produce white blood. They need more blood to meet the demand of pregnancy. They may become pale and look whitish. They need iron supplement in that case.

Can you get pregnant if your blood is a positive and his is?

Blood type is irrelevant to whether or not you can get pregnant.

Is it good for a pregnant girl's body to be hot and her heart pouding?

You have 50% more blood in your body when pregnant so you will get flushed, warm and the get more easily exhausted. It's normal.

Why cant a person with blood type O get a person with blood type A pregnant?

They can get a person with blood type A pregnant.

You've been unusually spotting brown for 3 days and then light blood for 3 more days and now no more blood just brown blood could i be pregnant?

Possibly - take a test

How does a women know if she is pregnant?

By doing a home pregnancy test or, more accurate, a blood test.

You feel pregnant even have gained wait in your tummy but am not pregnant?

Even if you "feel pregnant," you should see a doctor. Their tests can detect sooner & are much more accurate as they can do a blood test.

Why is giving blood while pregnant dangerous?

When you are pregnant your body creates more blood because of the added blood vessels. When your heat is already working that hard to pump that increased blood flow, it's not a good idea to give blood because then your already strained heart has to work even harder to replace the lost blood.

Can it mean you are pregnant if you pee blood?

No, if there is blood in your urine, you need to go to a Doctor asap, you may have a kidney infection or something more serious.

Can a blood test tell you if you are pregnant?

Yes a blood test can tell you you are pregnant. That's why to make sure someone is pregnant the go to the doctors and take a blood test for pregnancy.Yes