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Q: Do you agree with NASA's policy of giving the flight director Final authority on all decisions during the mission?
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When a report asked Gene Kranz (flight director during the Apollo 13 mission) how long the radio blackout lasted during reentry, he statedPer my mission log it started at 142:39 and ended at 142:45- a total of six minutes. Blackout was 1:27 longer than predicted…. Toughest minute and a half we ever had.

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Answer pulled directly from : A fashion director makes a lot of the fashion and story decisions with the magazine editor, suggests the photographer and models she thinks best for a task, then during the sitting becomes a combination of producer, tour director, muse and collaborator. It is her job to see that the photographer expresses the magazine's fashion ideas, fools the reader into thinking they are new, and makes the clothes, no matter how hard to wear, not only acceptable but delicious.

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J. Edgar Hoover was the strong anti-Communist director of the FBI during the Red Scare.

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J. Edgar Hoover was the strong anti-Communist director of the FBI during the Red Scare.

A directed mission can be assigned during phase?

A directed mission can be assigned at any phase.

When is mission 11 coming on clubpenguincom?

1. mission 11 comes out sometime during December or after that.