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A simple definition of a chemical reaction is a reaction in which chemical bonds are broken and/or formed.

Under the right conditions (temperature, pressure and catalyst) the following reaction may run:

2CH4 -> C2H6 + H2

Although in this case two molecules of the same reactant was needed, only one reactant was needed. So, the direct answer to your question is no.

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1w ago

No, a chemical reaction can involve a single reactant forming a single product. This type of reaction is called a unimolecular reaction. Additionally, some reactions involve multiple reactants forming a single product or a single reactant forming multiple products.

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14y ago

Not necessarily. While that is the most common general setup of a chemical reaction, there are others. Synthesis reactions have two reactants that combine to form a single product, like in the reaction 2H2+O2-->2H2O*. Also, there are decomposition reactions, such as the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide: 2H2O2-->O2+2H2O.

*Important note: this is not the true reaction for the formation of water. It is an overall reaction comprised of smaller, sub-reactions that must take place for this to be possible. Simply mixing Hydrogen gas with Oxygen gas will not produce water. NO REALLY DUMB KID

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11y ago

A chemical reaction has reactants and products.

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12y ago

By definition a reactant is something that reacts with something. So it will need something to react with. It's like asking if you could have just one boxer in a boxing match.

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1y ago


The reaction starts with reactants and finishes with products.

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11y ago

Yes, it is possible.

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Q: Do you always need more than one reactant or more than one product to have a chemical reaction?
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Why amount of reactant are not taken stiochiometric ratio in balanced chemical equation?

The amount of reactant used in a chemical reaction is not always taken in stoichiometric ratio because real-life conditions such as impurities, side reactions, and incomplete reactions can affect the amount of reactant consumed. It is essential to consider these factors to accurately determine the amount of reactant needed to obtain the desired product.

Why are chemical equations always balanced?

Chemical equations are always balanced to satisfy the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. Balancing equations ensures that the number of atoms of each element on the reactant side is equal to the number of atoms of the same element on the product side.

What are reactants and products?

Reactants are the substances present at the beginning of a chemical reaction that undergo a change to produce new substances called products. Products are the substances formed as a result of a chemical reaction between reactants.

In a balanced chemical reaction the total mass of the products always equals the total what?

In a balanced chemical reaction the total mass of the products always equals the total mass of reactants; this is the law of mass conservation.

Does a synthesis reaction always involve bond formation?

Yes, a synthesis reaction always involves the formation of chemical bonds between reactants to produce a new compound. This type of reaction results in the creation of a more complex product from simpler reactants.

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What is the difference between a reactant and a product in a chemical reaction?

Reactants are the starting materials in a chemical reaction that undergo a change, while products are the substances formed as a result of the reaction. Reactants are consumed during the reaction, while products are created from the reactants.

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No, a catalyst will not change reaction enthalpy. If it does so, then it is NOT a catalyst but a reactant in stead!

What happens to a chemical reaction when the limiting reactant is completely used up?

Limiting reactant is the one that limits the rate of the reaction. It is always supplied in adequate amount so that there is enough for the reaction to carry out to obtain the desired products. under ideal cases, When the reaction reaches completion there will be no limiting reactant.

What is involved in a chemical reaction?

In a chemical reaction, chemical bonds between atoms are broken and new bonds are formed to create new substances. This process usually involves changes in energy and the rearrangement of atoms to produce different molecules or compounds. The starting materials in a chemical reaction are called reactants, and the resulting substances are called products.

How do you identify which is the reactant and which is the product?

In a chemical reaction equation the reactants are the ones in the left side of theequal or arrow sign, and the products are the ones on the right side.i.e., Reactants → Products

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During a chemical reaction, new substances are formed known as products. These products are a result of the rearrangement of atoms from the reactants involved in the reaction.

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What are reactants and products?

Reactants are the substances present at the beginning of a chemical reaction that undergo a change to produce new substances called products. Products are the substances formed as a result of a chemical reaction between reactants.

How does the chemical energy of the reactants compare to the chemical energy of the products?

the reactants always start at the line but the product would either be over or under the line depending on the reaction.

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In a balanced chemical reaction the total mass of the products always equals the total mass of reactants; this is the law of mass conservation.

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