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The simple answer is Yes. The reason is that the moon rotates on its axis as it goes around the Earth. The two rotations are exactly in time with each other so that the moon always keeps the same face towards the Earth.

The slightly more complicated answer is that we see slightly more than half of the moon. It turns on its axis at a constant speed, but it goes around the Earth in an elliptical path, so it goes very slightly faster at some points along its orbit than at others. The end result is that it appears to wobble from side to side slightly, showing a very slight amount more at the left at some times and at the right at others. So we can over the course of a month see a bit more than half the moon

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Q: Do you always see the same side of the moon from the earth?
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The same side of the moon always faces what?

The Earth.

Do all earth hemispheres see the same side of the moon?

As long as you're on Earth, you will always see the same side of the moon. This is because the moon is tidally locked with the earth, meaning is rotational period is the same as its revolutionary period. This allows us to always see the same side of the moon, no matter where on earth we are.

Why can you not stand on earth and see the far side of the moon?

The Moon is tidally locked to Earth; the Moon's "day" and the Moon's month are the same length. So the "near side" of the Moon always faces the Earth, and the "far side" always faces away from Earth.

Why can we always see the same side of the moon from earth?

The moon rotates and revolves at the same rate

What side of the moon do you see from earth?

You always see the same side - as the moon takes the same time to orbit the earth as it does to rotate once on its axis !

Is the same side of the moon is always facing earth?


Which occurs when the moon spins on its axis at the same rate it orbits the earth?

The same side of the moon always faces the Earth

Do you see the same side of the moon?

Yes. Because of its locked orbit, the same side of the moon always faces the Earth.

Is it true that on earth you always see the same side of the moon?

Yes because on the east the moon rotates on its axis and when it gets back to our side we get the same side as always

Would we always see the same side of the moon from earth?

Yes, we always do.

Why do we always see the same side of the moon from the earth?

Because the moon turns as it goes around the Earth.

Why do we always see the same side of the moon from earth?

Because the moon turns as it goes around the Earth.