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This is called a five-card trick, and in some tables it beats anything except a blackjack.

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Q: Do you automatically win at blackjack if you have five cards and do not go over 21?
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What are the rules for Blackjack?

The basic rules are, you get two cards and the dealer gets two cards. Whichever hand is closer to 21 without going over, wins. After you get your first two cards, you can take additional cards if you choose, until you decide to stop, or until you "bust" which means you go over 21.

How many Blackjack questions are on WikiAnswers?

There are over 100 Blackjack FAQ on WikiAnswers.

What is the only mathematically beatable casino game?

Blackjack is the only mathematically winnable casino card game. An educated player can gain a credible advantage over the house using nothing but mental acuity on the game of blackjack.

How many cards does each player get in blackjack?

Each player initially gets two cards, the object is to get 21 and you can hit or get more cards until you either get 21 or close to it, whoever gets 21 automatically wins, but if you go over 21 you bust and automatically lose.

How do you play Blackjack or 21?

If you want to know how to play have not came to the right place!! Sorry...I did find something on google though. Look up "How to play 21" and that is were you will find out were to play! I knew how to play..but I forgot! Good Luck! Hope you find what you are looking for!

How do you hit?

You should ask the dealer what the proper indication is. Usually the desire to be hit in Blackjack is indicated by bending a finger towards you, in a "come here" sign, or by pointing down at the cards, but this could be confused with the stay command which is usually a flat open hand over the cards. Go with my first recommendation and ask the dealer.

Can some players count cards and beat the house in Blackjack?

Yes, depending on your betteing approach you can hold an edge of aprx ~0.4% upto ~1.3%+ over the casino. Goto a bookstore and buy a book on the subject, counting cards is the only sound and valid way to beat any casino game. It essentially forces the casino to deal you a game of blackjack with a dishonest deck of cards, by the player selectively engaging in play only after certain cards have been removed from play in previous hands. The methodology revolves around a cards "effect of removal" not how many of which type of cards have been dealt as it is popularly misunderstood. Cards are assigned point values and counted as they are dealt, hence the name card counting. The player then selectively plays hands or slectively increases his/her bet and plays out the hands accordingly.

What is live action blackjack?

Live action blackjack is simply real blackjack with a real dealer. The opposite of live action blackjack is video black jack where the entire game is computer controlled. In the real world at a casino you will not typically find it called live action blackjack (even though that is what it is) because any table game with a living human dealer is by default "live action". So they simply call it blackjack for the game with a real dealer and video blackjack for the machine version. The term "live action blackjack" is most often used by online websites which offer a type of blackjack where there is a live dealer broadcasting over the web so that you can play online with a real living dealer. Some players are simply more comfortable with human dealers.

How many decks cards in blackjack?

Blackjack was played with one 52-card deck until card counting was discovered. Once casinos realized that card counters could gain an advantage over the "house" (casino) fairly easily on single deck games, they began to change the rules and add more decks. Today, you can find very few single deck games, and if you do, the rules have been altered to heavily favor the house. There are some double deck games, but most blackjack games are known as "shoe" games. They are 4, 6, or 8 deck games where the cards are placed in a plastic holder. Dealers do not hold the cards while they deal like they would in a single or double deck game. Shoe games make it more difficult for card counters to gain an advantage, but it is still possible to gain an advantage counting cards in shoe games under the right conditions.

Guys do anyone know playing Bingo?

Bingo Game Rules are easy to understand each player gets six cards and there are six common cards. In this case there would be rounds of betting before any common cards are turned over, after the first two cards are turned over, after the third and fourth cards are turned over and after the fifth and sixth cards are turned over

How do you gain more speed?

You take your pair of cards and shuffle them. Then you put them face-down into four separate piles. The pile on the left has five cards, the next to the right has one card, the one to the right of that also has one card, and the one on the right has five cards like the one on the far left. You then deal the remaining cards into two piles, one for each of the two players. To make sure you divided the cards right, each player counts the cards in their deck. There should be 20 cards in each person's decks. Both players take five cards from their deck; the highest amount of cards you can have in your hand are five. Now, to start playing, each person flips over the third card from the left in between them. Now each person tries to get rid of all their cards by putting them onto adjacent cards. Only the value of the card matters, not the suit of the card. So for example, if one of the two cards face up between the players is a ten, then you can put a jack or a nine of any suit on it. If neither person has any cards they can put down, then each person takes one card from the pile on the right in between them and flips it over onto one pile in the middle. If the piles on the far sides run out, flip overt the entire pile. Whoever gets rid of all their cards yells "Speed!" and they win.

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when some bad guys are killed, you might get a playing card. then wen ur playing cards, click on swap 1st card or 2nd card then click a suit then a card. but that card will be lost until you kill a certain badguy