

Do you believe autism is a bad thing?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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No, as an Autistic person I don't believe autism is a bad thing.

Some of us are more severely effected than others and how we're effected can change throughout our lives, but even with unpleasant characteristics autism itself is not a bad thing. The thing that is bad about autism, for all Autistic people, is the misinformation and ableism towards autistic people.

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Q: Do you believe autism is a bad thing?
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Is it good bad or horrible to have autism?

None of the above. Autism is not good, it's not bad, it just is - being Autistic is thus not good or bad either. Being Autistic (we do not 'have' autism) depends on the individual, some people have more severe symptoms than others and some face more prejudice or abuse than others. It's just like being neurotypical - not good, not bad, it just is.

Is autism bad?

It depends on your definition of bad. For example, if being different is bad, autism is bad. If viewing the world in a different way, perhaps noticing things that other people have missed, is good, autism is good. There are characteristics of autism that make life more difficult for the person with autism and his or her family. There are characteristics that other people might envy, such as excellent memories. Whether or not autism is bad is a subjective view. You can get opinions, but not definitive answers to that question.

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There is no such thing. Down syndrome and autism are separate conditions.

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It can be

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Of course there is such a thing of bad weather. If anyone believe there isn't they are a complete idiot.

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The blue ribbon on the breaking bad shirt stands for autism. This is to support autism.

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Autism is inborn. They haven't figure out what causes autism yet.

Having a child with autism is making you depressed?

You don't have a child with autism, you have an Autistic child - recognise their identity. Having an Autistic child isn't what makes you depressed, the fact you're ableist towards that child is making you depressed because you believe that child is worth less as an Autistic person.Get away from other 'Autism Moms'/'Autism Parents' and avoid organizations like Autism Speaks which see Autism as a bad thing, go talk to Autistic people and parents who are allies to their Autistic children so you get a better understanding of how to effectively care for your child and stop seeing them as some sort of burden. Your child is not to blame for your depression.

What day is autism day?

AuTism awareness day is 4/2 I have also learned of autism pride day which I believe is June 18th. The month of April is autism awareness month.

Who is the surfer with autism?

I believe you are referring to Clay Marzo, who has Asperger's Syndrome, a high-functioning form of autism.

What is the Vaccine-Autism debate?

In 1998 a fraudulent doctor published a paper claiming that the MMR vaccine causes autism - since then billions have been spent to completely disprove this claim, the doctor was found to be lying, and common sense about autism tells us that this was a lie...however some uneducated and ignorant people continue to believe this lie. People known as 'anti-vaxxers' are against lifesaving vaccinations and continue to claim that vaccines cause autism to try to argue that vaccines aren't healthy - in turn also implying that autism is a bad thing, worse than life-threatening diseases.

Is soy beans bad for children with autism?

No, unless they are allergic, I have autism and eat soybeand all the time