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Q: Do you believe that different types of finches could ever serve on an island in the real world?
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What did Darwin notice about the finches on the Galapagos Island?

He noticed that the finches all had different beaks which varied in sizes. He concluded that this could be due to them living on different islands where the food sources were different so the would have had to adapt themselves to suit their living environment.

What did the variation in the Galapagos finches seem to be well-suited to?

The variations in the Galapagos finches made them well-suited to different types of food.each finch had its own adaption per island on an island where there were only had berry's they hard short strong beaks on islands where mostly flowers bloomed the beaks were long and narrow so they could eat pollen

How did the finches help Darwin to formulate his theory of natural selection and evolution?

There were many islands and finches on each. The finches did not fly from their home island to other islands. Different islands had different food for the finches. Darwin noticed that where there were plenty of honeysuckle flowers for the birds to feed on, the finches there had long beaks. On islands where the best bird-food was small seeds, the finches had beaks more like canary beaks, short and strong. Darwin also noticed that the finches were all from the same original flock and had probably mixed up when the islands were closer together and they could fly to any island to feed. So Darwin concluded that when the finches became isolated on different islands, their beaks evolved to be most suitable for eating the food available. The birds with the wrong beaks died young and had few chicks and these chicks unfortunately for them inherited their parents silly beaks. The birds with the right beaks fed well and had lots of chicks who inherited good beaks. So eventually nearly all the finches on any given island had the most suitably shaped beaks.

What accounts for the large number of different species of finches that Darwin observed on the Galapagos Islands?

The varying local conditions on each of the islands. Each group of finches was bred, through natural selection, to have the characteristics that would optimize finch survival on that island. For example, an island might have a unique food source, say a type of nut, so the finches that had more robust beaks and could break these nuts more easily got to eat more food, survived more often, and could provide for their young better, so over time they became more numerous on the island while the less fit ones declined in number until only finches with robust beaks were left. This is the basics of the idea.

Can you eat finches?

In Indonesia, very few people eat finches. So, I guess not. But, if in an emergency, we could eat finches.

Why did Darwin say the finches on the galapagos islands were new specis of finches?

They could no longer reproduce with the finches from South America. A+. Tony B.

Why did Darwin say the finches on the Galapagos Islands were new species of finches?

They could no longer reproduce with the finches from South America. A+. Tony B.

Based on Darwin's observation of the finches what explanation did he give as to how different types of beaks could have evolved?

there were variations in the beaks already.

How were Darwin's finches different?

The Darwin finches were the finches of which Darwin studied and analysed so that he could notice the natural selection process. He stuided finches on different islands, all with different beaks. This showed that by natural selection these finches had adapted and evolved into their own environments.

What did Darwin find out about the Darwin finches?

He discovered that each finch in each diffrent island had a slightly diffrent beak adapted to its particular environment. For example, a fruit eater had a stout beak to pick berries off branches and a seed eater had a short, powerful bill for crushing seeds, etc. This contributed to his theory of evolution.

How do you understand Darwin's theory of evolution?

When Darwin visited the Galapagos he noted that the islands had very different climates but had similar birds. He recognised a species of finches common on the mainland but on each island they had different shaped beaks. Some had long pointed beaks to extract insects from their burrows.On another island the finches had grown massive short beaks that were able to crack nuts. Taking a sample from each island he realised that they had all originally been from a single breeding pair which had probably been blown from the west coast of South America and had stayed. This was a key discovery, birds with the wrong beak died, birds with a shorter beak could crack small nuts leaving bigger nuts for those birds that would evolve with a bigger beak. These birds still exist in the Natural History Museum and are known as the Galapagos Finches. Giant tortoises from each island have evolved different neck arches in their shells to cope with the local vegetation

Which feature of galapagos finches was important to Darwin in developing his theory of natural selection?

Darwin noticed that the finches in the Galapagos Islands had different types of beaks. He concluded that this meant they must have evolved these beaks, so that each type could find food.