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Probably neither, the only difference would be those burned by the action of peristalsis (the action of your intestine moving food though your intestines, but this would be insignificant).

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Q: Do you burn more calories when you are constipated or when you have a bad case of diarrhea?
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How many calories do you burn when you swim 1 mile?

you can never be sure. But research suggests 1mile swim can burn up to 755caolories or in sams case 69. :(

How many calories would you need to burn in order to not gain weight if you take in 480 calories a day?

To maintain weight, you would burn exactly how much you take in, which in this case is 480 calories. Don't forget how much you burn based on natural metabolism. It's very very likely that that itself is higher than 480 Calories.

If you burn 171KCAL doing exercise how much is that in calories?

A simple answer with a confusing reason. 171 kcal = 171 Calories 1 Calorie (upper case) = 1000 calories (lower case) = 1 kilocalorie (lower case) = amount of energy needed to raise 1 kg of water 1 degree celsius. On nutritional information, all the numbers are listed in Calories (i.e., kcal), while calories (lower case) are very rarely used in everyday language.

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In every case to lose weight, we need to burn more calories actually what we had consumed. If you want to lose 3kg in a month, you need to burn more than 1000calories. Any ways 1000 calories is not at all healthy to consume, by taking 1000 calories you can lose weight very fast in earlier days. But the weight all you are reducing from your muscle and water levels in your body. By consuming 1500-1700 calories also you can lose 3 kgs in a month. Try to add some more calories to your daily meals.

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The only way to build muscle is with exercise. That being the case, since exercise requires calories, building muscle will also burn off fat.

If you cook with Smirnoff Ice does it burn off the sugars or calories?

unfortunately, no. in order to "burn" the calories out of it, it would need to be the sugar doing the burning. In this case, something else is losing the caloric form as heat in order to warm the smirnoff, and basically you are left with warm, or hot smirnoff. depending how long you cook it.

How many calories you burn weighting 220 pounds while walking fast for a mile on a flat surface?

If you weigh 220 pounds, and walk at a pace of 3.5 miles per hour, then you will burn 398 Calories per hour. It depends on how you define briskly though. Most sources will say anything above 3 miles per hour is considered brisk, in which case the minimum amount of Calories you would burn per hour would be 345. If you consider 5 miles per hour a brisk pace, which is a very fast power walk, then you would burn over 800 Calories per hour.

Does eating strawberries before exercising help blood flow?

Studies show that strawberries do help the flow of blood, in which case making it easier to exercise and burn more calories.

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Does No explode case diarrhea?

Depends on your body reaction. In my case; NO Stay the ring peace

What is the most dangerous result of a bad case of diarrhea or dysentery?


What is the most dangerouse result of a bad case of diarrhea or dysentery?
