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I have just returned from a week in Israel and changed £200 sterling into Israeli Shekels before I Ieft England. After two days I changed another £200 in my hotel and received just slightly less in Shekels although I know could have received a better rate at any of the money change shops in town. The main point I would draw attention to is that the hotel would not accept £10 notes as they lacked the extra anti - forgery features of the £20 notes.

The bottom line, in any case is to check what the rates that your bank provides for currency exchange. If you approve of them, withdraw Israeli Shekels from atms in Israel and your bank at home will charge its exchange rate. If you find your bank's rate untenable, check the general exchange rates that you can find from Israeli banks. If those rates are better, bring your pounds to Israel and exchange there.

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Q: Do you change pounds sterling to shekels at UK banks or in Israel?
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