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No. If a tornado is coming you will not have time to board up your windows.

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Q: Do you cover windows for a tornado?
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What to do at school when a tornado occurs?

Take cover under a desk or in the hallway facing a wall. Crouch down and cover your head. As always when there is a tornado, stay away from windows

Are windows to be closed during tornado?

yes In the case of a weak tornado a closed window can prevent damaging winds form entering the house. Though if a tornado is coming do not waste time with the windows. Take cover immediately.

Why should you not open windows when a tornado is approaching?

You shouldn't. Contrary to popular belief opening windows during a tornado does nothing to save a house and may in fact make damage worse. If a tornado is coming opening windows is a waste of precious time that you should use to take cover.

How do you stop a tornado?

You can not stop the tornado, however you should take cover in a basement. If you live in a town with a high water table then you don't have basements and you should take cover in a closet or in a room with no windows.

Should you close your windows during a tornado warning?

No. If a tornado warning is issued, you should take cover as quickly as possible. Since tornadoes are usually preceded by rain, there is a good chance you will have closed your windows anyway.

What should you do when a tornado forms?

You should take cover in a sturdy building in a room with no or minimal number of windows. Most people find cover in a bathtub or closet.

Do you open windows before a tornado comes?

No. Opening windows will only expose the interior of your house to more damage. If there is a tornado in your area take cover immediately! The idea that opening windows to equalize pressure will save you house is a myth. The pressure difference inside a tornado is not enough to cause significant damage. This has been mathematically proven. Tornadoes produce damage though their powerful winds, and in any tornado strong enough to significantly damage a house, the windows will break anyway.

What should you do if a tornado is heading for you when you are something in town?

Take cover in a nearby sturdy building in a room with no windows and preferably no exterior walls.

Where is the safest place to hide from a tornado if you dont have a bathtub?

The safest place to take cover from a tornado, even if you do have a bathtub, is your basement. If you have neither find a room in the center part of you house away from windows.

Where do you go during a tornado when your at the store?

If you're in such a shopping center and there is a tornado head for the bathroom, crouch down in a corner, and cover your head.

Is it better to open or close your windows during a heatwave?

Windows are best left closed in a tornado. If you are not hit hard, the windows can prevent interior damage. If you are hit hard by a strong enough tornado some windows will break anyway. But if a tornado is coming it is best not to waste time opening or closing windows. Take cover immediately.

Why should you stay away from windows during a tornado?

Windows can break even in weak tornado, creating flying shards of glass. Windows also offer no protection from flying debris, which is the greatest danger in a tornado.