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Q: Do you drink lucozade before football game are after?
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Is it good to drink pickle juice before a football game?

no it will make you sick

What kind drink should you drink the day before a football game?

you should always have at least 3 bottles of lucazede

When should you drink a red bull the night before a football game or just before?

Just before is best it if u drink it the night before It won't do much if you drink it before it will give you a burst of energy and focus because it has taurine

What should you eat and drink the night before your soccer game?

Any kind of Pasta that has no sauce, cheese, or any other condimants.

Can you drink lager the night before a football game?

Not a really good idea. The alcohol (and the beer) will tend to dehydrate you- and you will pay the penalty in reduced performance when sweating during the game. Save the lager for celebrating the win.

Is it ok to shave before a football game?

That is your choice.

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A man states that he is able to predict the score of any football game even before the game begins How is this possible?

The score of any football game before it begins is: 0 - 0 Seems to me that nobody has scored any points before the game starts.

Which comes first before a football game presentation of colors or pre game prayer?


What to do if your tired before a game?

sit down get as much rest as you can drink some water and/or an energy drink

When is the national anthem played in a football game before or in the middle?


What do football players do before running down the hill before a game?

Eat! They need lots of energy, no? :)