

Do you ever make sense

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Q: Do you ever make sense
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Does it make sense to make sense?

Actually, it does! If you don't make sense, people... won't understand you! So, it does make a BUNCH of sense to make sense, LOL! (Do not, ever, ask a question like this! It seriously makes NO sense!)

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This will probably seem like the most screwed up answer ever, but I thought of it when I read your question. Yes, that question does make sense, because, if you were to take away all the words (excluding make and sense); you would have 'make sense'. There for, it does make sense. (: A better answer, though, is that it might make sense if you place before another question; though alone, it is a proper sentence; yet it is not comprehensive.

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ummmm who ever wrote this it doesn't make sense so reyry refrazing it.

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